[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh! Hey! You're the principal! Yeah!
Hey, it's me, Risotto, you know, the student you suspended?
You know, you didn't have to suspend me...
Like, you really shouldn't have done that
[Principal Jones & Risotto Pavarotti]
If it isn't Risotto Pavarotti, the little fuckwad I suspended
How about you go back home, yeah?
[Risotto Pavarotti]
You know, I just hope you're having a good time
And, you know, I hope I can get back to school soon!
[Principal Jones]
You shouldn't be around school!
You're fucking suspended!
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh, so, you're just gonna tell me to go away?
But, c'mon?
And why are you on school grounds smoking?
Like, I know school's out right now for Thanksgiving but...
Why are you smoking on school grounds?
[Principal Jones]
You shouldn't be around school!
You're fucking suspended!
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Fine, I'll go away
Stupid principal...
[Principal Jones]
Dumbass kid, fuck that shit!
Black Friday? Fuck it
I hate my job
Am I having a midlife crisis?
I didn't ask to be born into this miserable existence
Please kill me
[Trapper tha Trapper]
'Ey bitch boi! Come over here
[Principal Jones]
Who the fuck are you?
What are you doing on my school property?
[Trapper tha Trapper]
Ayo, B, school ain't even in right now
It's Thanksgiving break, right?
Ayo, come on, cuh, put that nicotine down and get over here
[Principal Jones]
What is that odd serum you're holding?
[Trapper tha Trapper]
Oh this? Man, it's just some Bone Hurting Juice, cuh
[Principal Jones]
Bone Hurting Juice, eh?
I don't know what type of drug that is
But I don't take substance, no thank you
[Trapper tha Trapper]
Come on, cuh, I know you wanna try
[Principal Jones]
Well, what does it do?
[Trapper tha Trapper]
Alright, Bone Hurting Juice, ya take it, and then your bones hurt!
[Principal Jones]
The fuck? No it won't
[Trapper tha Trapper]
You wanna try?
[Principal Jones]
No, no, I don't…
Fuck it, give me some of that
Ow, oof, ohh my bones, ouch, oof, ohh!
[Trapper tha Trapper]
Ha! I told you!
Now your bones hurt, dickhead!
[Principal Jones]
Ow, ow, ouch ohh, make it stop, ohh
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh, hey!
What's wrong?
[Principal Jones]
Ow, oh no, my bones hurt, ohh
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh wait, your bones?
Your bones are hurting?
Oh, don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Principal
I'll get you tha Bone Antidote and your bones won't be hurting any longer!
[Principal Jones]
Ohh, oh, how do you...
Ohh, get that- ohh, Antidote!
[Deus Ex Machinima]
Ah, fuck a dees, I habe you gimme tha antidote that you want!
[Risotto Pavarotti]
So, you have the antidote?
[Deus Ex Machinima]
You haba gimme somethin, man
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh, so what do I have to do to get this Antidote?
[Deus Ex Machinima]
I'll give ya tha Antidote, but you must gimme da ah-SUCCie SUCCie
[Risotto Pavarotti]
I have to give you tha SUCCie SUCCie?
[Deus Ex Machinima]
I'll give you tha SUCCie SUCCie! Oof!
Ah, because I like tha SUCCie SUCCie!
Don't you like da Antidote?
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Well, you know, I care for my principal
So I'll give you tha SUCCie SUCCie
And we can get that Antidote
[Slapping sounds]
[Deus Ex Machinima]
Now get down on your knees like I showed you earlier!
Now gimme da SUCCie SUCCie
[Sucking sounds]
[Roblox death sound effect]
[Deus Ex Machinima]
Now, gay boi, I hope you enjoy da Antidote
I left a couple roofies in there, I hope you don't mind
[Risotto Pavarotti]
It tasted kinda weird
I hope you don't have any disease
But, can I have the Antidote now?
Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!
I'll get this to the principal right away!
Thank you Mr... what was your name again?
[Deus Ex Machinima]
It's your boy Skinny Penis comin' back to ya
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Alright! Anyway, yeah
[Running sounds]
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Hey! Mr. Principal! I have tha Antidote!
It'll stop your bones from hurting!
[Principal Jones]
Ow, ouch, give it to me now!
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Here you go!
Is it working? Did it work?
[Principal Jones]
Ohh, much better, much better
Thank you, faggot
I will unsuspend you now
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Oh, yeah! Wait, so you're gonna unsuspend me?
[Principal Jones]
Welcome back to school...
[Risotto Pavarotti]
Thanks for unsuspending me, Mr. Principal, yeah
My name Jeff