Official R
Ain’t Perfect

[Verse 1]
We gotta work things out, yes we
Ain't perfect, but we gotta do some-
Thing different cause this ain't working
I don't know how much longer... I don't
Know how much more of this I can take
Before I explode in argue, because I sick
And tried of your mother getting bet-
Ween our relationship and making us keep
Fight with each other

[Hook 1]
This has gotta stop, before I hit the top!
Yeah, this drama better stop before I
Hit the top...

Yeah, there are things I ain't proud of...
I mean the older I get the more I understand
Relationship's it's more than just holding her
Hand. I'm sorry, if I ain't the best man in the
World but their are less perfect men in this
World. So maybe you should stop playing'
Pretend with someone else's feelings

[Hook 2]
I have a lot i'm trying to deal with and I under-
Stand I'm hurting your feelings, I know you
Don't feel this but It's causing me a lot of heart-
Ache and stress and lately I've just been a mess...

I'm just expressing the way that I'm feeling
The things that I'm trying to deal with
I guess I've been trying to hold it all inside
But it's obviously that ain't working no mo-
Re! Yeah...

[Verse 2]
I always feel disrespected
I always feel I'm a joke, so
I get defensive. It wasn't
Ever in my plan or my inten-
Tions for hurting you, I just
Couldn't accept that she more
Important then you, But I was
Immature, I guess I had to lea-
Rn some lessons about maturity

Yeah, I needed this
Moment to vent...
Thanks for listening!