Drake Speaks
When I, um, I had rap, rap joints out there, and people were like, yeah he's nice, you know

It's hard to go from kid tv show to rapper

It is, it is, but you know, the more and more, we were consistent, it proved, it turned from a flaw to an attribute. You know, it's like, it makes the story better, I think at this point

Especially when the music is good and they're like, yo he's real

We started just putting songs out-

So are you aware, are you feeling this, this, this energy around you right now? There's people talkin' about you He knows, he knows, yeah like how does that feel, what does that feel like to you?

Every, every, like I said, I'm very humbled by it, I feel very blessed. And umm, yeah, I'm never gonna let it set in, I just wanna keep, I just wanna keep working to be honest with you

Ride the wave, baby, ride the wave. And you have some big interest too, like, I know you're working. There's one with Lil' Wayne, and you did, umm, just talk in the studio with some different people, can you talk about yet or no?

I've been working, I've been working all week with some of New York City's finest, umm, artists. I haven't been working with New York City's finest
Let's clean that up