I Am Helpless Without My Computers
Walking down the street
I got no direction
Who should I meet
But the ultimate perfection
Walking down the street

She wants to know my name
She wants information
I don't know where I came from
I've got a confession to make

I am helpless without my computers
How can I relate
All this social madness
Gone to waste
Don't you wait

I am helpless without my computers
I can't get it straight
Wipe away the sadness
From my face
Don't you wait

I know what you need
Is love and affection
Right across the street
We can make a reservation
I know what you need

The agent says you're too late
We're not really open
Sorry, I'm afraid
My terminal's been broken all day

I go down to the market
It turns out
I can't get no food
I got cash
They got supplies
I can't get no food