Dog Lapping
[Spoken: Mark Hoppus]
[peeing] Oh, yeah
Aw, man, too many beers
[stops] Wha... what's goin' on?
[continues peeing] Aw, yeah, there we go
Whew! ok... oh, no, wait, hang on a second
[continues peeing again] Aw, yeah!

Rexie, here boy! [Rexie barking]
Here, Rex, come on boy, come on boy!
Oh, good boy
Oh, you want a drink don't you?
You're a little thirsty dog, aren't you? come here boy
Ok, here you go
[Rexie starts drinking out of the bowl]
Here, drink a little, oh, there you go, good doggie, good doggie!
Oh, Rex, you like that, huh?
I like you, Rex
[flushes toilet]