If I were loved, would love always seem to evade me?
If I were loved, would love mislead me and betray me?
If I were loved, would love make a fool of me?
If I were loved, would love laugh in my face, while being so cruel to me?
If I were loved, do you think I would mean it any foul nor bring it any harm?
If I were loved, do you think love would keep me a prisoner of its wild and its charms?
If I were loved, do you think love would not play on my emotions?
If I were loved, do you think love would not tease me and toy with my devotion?
If I were loved, would love not see its wicked, wicked ways?
If I were loved, could love not be my quiet place?
If I were loved, could love realize how it makes me feel?
The hot and cold flashes, happiness, sadness, all so surreal, if I were loved