Cadian Blood
Once proud stood the mighty fortress
Held the eye at bay
For eons they watched the darkness
Ever more, they delayed
While many lived in comfort
They stood against them with their lives
T'is their duty, their curse
T’is their pact, their life

Cadian blood: paid the price
None more valued in the fray
Dirt and mud now crimson cast
For mankind and in his name
Cadian Blood: a warrior's pride
Blessed and cursed like night and day
Through the darkness, vengeance incarnate
Shall now lead the way

Once proud stood the mighty fortress
Held the eye at bay
For eons they watched the darkness
Ever more, they delayed
But then rose the Despoiler
With Legions in command
With bloodthirst, stormed the fortress
And made it crack
Now fallen the mighty fortress
The horrors they held ran rampant
No force to push the darkness back
Now is the end of an era
But know all who harken their song:
Their home fell before their fervor
Their spirits now shine brighter
Fueled by vengeance, wrath, and anger

Cadian blood: paid the price
None more valued in the fray
Dirt and mud now crimson cast
For mankind and in his name
Cadian Blood: a warrior's pride
Blessed and cursed like night and day
Through the darkness, vengeance incarnate
Shall now lead the way

Cadian Blood: Paid the price
Now with fervor in the fray
Those who wronged them shall they slay
For their loved one and in his name
Cadian Blood: a demon’s spite
Blessed and cursed like night and day
Vengeance, wrath, and fury incarnate
Shall now lead the way