Hyboi in this bitch
Sup homie

Stewie: Hey, it's me. Knock, knock. So, uh you got, uh, you got my money?
Brian: Huh? Oh yeah, I'll pay you soon
Stewie: Yeah, well, um here's a suggestion. Um, have the money by tomorrow and there won't be any problems
Brian: Huh?
Stewie: Yeah, 24 hours
Brian: Why, what-what happens in 24 hours?
Stewie: Huh? I dunno, I'm not psychic, man. I'm just saying it would probably be better for everybody if you had the money tomorrow
Brian: Uh, yeah, alright, I'll see what I can do
Stewie: Sweet, sweet, great. Uh, how's everything else going?
Brian: Good
Stewie: Alright, alright. See you later. Don't forget! Nah, you're not gonna forget
Brian: [coming out of shower, opens door] Stewie? Yh, hey
Stewie: Hey there. So, uh, it's been 24 hours. Got my money?
Brian: Ah... You know what, just give me till next Friday, I'll have it for you
Stewie: Oh. Oh, that's funny. I could've sworn I said have it today
Brian: Yeah, I don't have it, sorry
Stewie: Oh, well, alright then. [drinks orange juice] Mmm, that's good O.J. [smashes glass on Brian's head]
Brian: Aaargh! Aaarghh!!
Stewie: Yeah, that hurt?
Brian: Aargh!
Stewie: That hurt?
Brian: What the hell?! [continues yelling]
Stewie: Yeah, that don't feel so good, does it? No, huh? [punches Brian] Yeah, that's what happens, man!
Brian: Oh, my God!
Stewie: Yeah, that's what happens. [punches Brian again] Where's my money?! You gonna give me my money? Where's my money, man?! [Brian coughs up blood, Stewie gets towel rack, continuously hits him with it] Where's the money, man?! Yeah, you like that?! That feel good?! [holds his head in toilet water, Brian starts screaming more and Stewie takes him out of the toilet] Where's the money, man?! Where's my money?! You got till five o'clock. You hear me?! You got till 5 o'clock!
Brian: You freakin' psychopath!
Stewie: Yeah, clean yourself up
Brian: [incognito] Mornin'
Stewie: Good day to you, sir. Wait a minute! What the hell?!
Brian: Oh-h-h-h-- [Stewie pushes down the stairs] Aaargh! Oh-ow-ow-ugh! Ohh... [Stewie hits his head with golf club] Argh!
Stewie: Getting real tired of you duckin' me, man!
Brian: Oh, my God!
Stewie: Yeah, gettin' really tired. Huh?
Brian: Ogh! Arg-argh!
Stewie: Where's my money?! Where's my money?! Yeah, you got money to pay for fake mustaches, huh? Yeah, huh? How much did you pay for that fake moustache?
Brian: $2.99. [Stewie shoots his left knee] Aaargh!! Ow! Oh! Oh..! Listen, you just gotta give me more ti...[Stewie shoots his right knee] Aaargh!
Stewie: Don't make a fool out of me, man. Don't make a fool out of me. I want my money. I want my money, man!
Brian: Listen, Stewie, this is crazy, you're...Oh, my God! [Stewie shoots his flamethrower at him] Aaarrrgghhh! Aaagghh-aghh..! [the flames extinguish itself] All right, let's go the bank

I just wanna my money, hand over what you
Owe me and no one gets hurt, I ain't playing finna
Go stewie , I don't play with my mother fucking
Money so hand me what you fucking owe me, and
No will get hurt in this bitch, if you don't wanna any
Fucking problems hand me what you fucking owe
Me, cause I don't play with my mother fucking money