Mr.burns:Why does everyone hate me?
Smithers: Sir, what are you doing?
Mt.burns:Smithers, I want to die quietly, on my own terms... crushing as many of those baby sea turtles as I possibly can
Good-bye, insufficiently cruel world!
Smithers:(sobbing): Oh, no... ♪ ♪
(thunderclap, zapping)
(zany thudding)
Bart:Anthill, wasp nest, moose poop, Mr. Burns... Mr. Burns?!
Bart:My poop stick has brought him back to life! But which end?
Bart:What do you want? Come on, man, leave me alone
Mr.burns:Friend?,You my mommy-daddy-puppy?
Bart: Whoa! Your brains have turned to oatmeal!
Mr.burns:My name Oatmeal?
Bart:This is too weird, man
Mr.burns:(panting): Wait for Oatmeal!
Bart:Oh! What am I gonna do with you?
(humming a tune)
Bart:Look, I know you're cool now, but my dad hates you more than celery, and my mom said no new pets, so I'm hiding you in my room
Mr.burns:Oatmeal accept premise
Marge: Bart, who are you talking to?
(Mr. Burns whines)
Marge:And what's all that noise?
Bart:Ah, I'm playing with my Sergeant Activity Doll
Doll: Why not buy another of me?
Marge:(door creaks) Hmm. Well, okay
(humming a tune)
Bart:Okay, okay! I'll find you some food