Crash (Scene #1)
(Koshi & HAIS or "HULL-7 Artificial Intelligence System")
"I'm not from here"
Melody plays
How we doin' HAIS?
Hull stability at 34%
Ah, stick is jamming, check thrusters
Thruster A at 7%, Thruster B gone
Fuck, kill music.
Divert all power, Thruster A
Diverting all power, Thruster A at 16%
Was hoping for more
I can cut the interior power to the thruster
Go ahead
Thruster A at 22%
That’s something to work with
Did you get the signal out?
Yes, sir
Hope she receives it
Stability down to 25%
The fuck... check gravitational stabilizer
Sir the left wing are starting to shr-
I can see that HAIS!
Check tail integrity
Fuck... Shit...
Take velocity into account for the landing...will we make it?
The landing gear is shot, sir
I cannot detect Oxygen on this planet...
High levels of Nitrogen
I see the surface
HULL-7 Breach
Oh.. shit! Hull has been breached. Stability at 2%...
Sir if u do not eject the impact will kill you
Hold on... Fuck It's jammed!
Alright... Good luck, HAIS
I’m a computer sir, I don’t believe in luck
Drifting off as Koshi ejects from HULL-7