Geneva Suggestions
Thinking about bombing your car
While I'm cutting your head off
Slammed down on the stove, melting your face off
Burning your house down with a molotov
Walking over the corpses of everyone that I fucking despise
Having a mental breakdown
While all your friends just fucking dies
Seeing the hatred in your eyes
Going through the list of the geneva suggestions
Let's see who can commit the most amount of war crimes
You won't get to see your world burn in your lifetime
Drone striking your hideouts
Don't give a fuck if its a hospital or a military base
Just earned 5 stars
Driving a T-90 shooting you down
Replacing your medicine with posion
Can't really save anyone you just killed
Starting off world war 3 with a bang
Nuking each other just cause why not
The smell of oil just turns you on
But you get pissed if someone steals it
Tomahawk missiles going straight down
Better start swimming before your gonna drown
Mustard gas filling inside your lungs
Pack a punching your guns
To do more damage
Too much brain rot happening
Gotta lobotomise everyone to fix it
Or just go ape shit