Paroles de Dr.Guesh "5arbga"

Sha3bi tounssi 3abit
Te7shelou men teli fit
Z3ayem ymoss e55it
Dr.guech ya5ra 3albeat
Nsaffi fikom besh nabda
3att7in rabbitou lkebda
Guech men zebba tshedda
Tounes kemla ma tguedda
Sha3bi tounssi 3abit, nsaffi fikom besh nabda
Te7shelou men teli fit, 3att7in rabbitou lkebda
Z3ayem ymoss e5it, edoctour tsheda men zebba
Guech ya5ra 3albeat, tounes kemla matgueda

[Couplet 1]
7adhrou tremkom lguech etaffar
Meshni 3issam ma n7otta 3albar
Nahdha w nidaa tgoul shay ma sar
Sha3bi far ra2issou 7affar
Shamskom safra termet.ha 7amra
Sha3bi mounafe9 fawzi ben gamra
Doctour mridh 3omrou ma yabra
Sredek tbidh fass9ini 5amra

5arbega Ebnou nefa3 3ogoba
Termet ra2iskom nongoba
La3andi la 7bib la sa7eba
Nsebblek ommek lga7ba
Ki tshouf esh jebet tendeba
Nar lguech telheba
Lennabar zebbi yerkeba
Jit nfokk !

[Refrain 2] (x2)
Ah ya deny yezzina fa9r w Hamm w zid l7ashwa
Ah ya deny nssitina w 5riti fih bennasswa

[Couplet 2]
Guech gassas 9adhib
Takrahni haw zebb labib
3asba bourguiba 7abib
Fou2ed mbazza3 7alib
Ija hné sebbena
Te5ou 7lib zebbena
Nekna l7ala klebbena
Ta7t l7it skerrena
Jorret fa9r sommena
3isha 5ir 7lemmena
Denya ma ra7metena
Ama rjel serena

5arbga fibledi lghonya tenheba
Wesha3b yorgos tejdeba
B5our 3aj3aji darbouka
7adher mida onssoba
Shebteyya tbi5a mtabbegua
Takrahni haw zebbi e7leba
Mezzelt 3edyeni nssarfega
Bellam wjouh bennsharrega

Jeybha za3ma zawwali 
Dharbou fi Laetitia baryoush
N3arrik w ma3labeli
Esh ta7shi fih ya ba3loush
Rjelkom twa5er lteli
Kil7bela 3andhom kroush
Golna sha3eb bouheli
Yo5ret feha fidouche

5arbega 5arbega
3atremkom ndarbeka
Klay a3len 7areba
Shofna sme7 taleba
Zebb lHedi 7aleba
3adih yaghort melba
3alflous kaleba
Yvayyes 3lina b5ereba
Brrr wesh ya7shi fih
Tir nayk tfih 3lik
Li3lem ettounssi besh nbakkih
Ouertani 3asba lih

Sarfega sha3b mounafe9 yedhneba
Bel7ijab w mssou7eba
3ala shkoun tetgou7oba
Lettalyen ne7lem negleba
Na3mel flous w sa7eba
W nsebblek ommek lga7ba
Ki tshouf esh jebet tendeba
Weldet sereg yenheba

[Refrain 2] (x2)
Ah ya deny yezzina fa9r w Hamm w zid l7ashwa
Ah ya deny nssitina w 5riti fih bennasswa

Ay! Guech ygoss l9adhib
Takrhou ya3tek zebb labib
Tennin narou talka3 lahib
3ayesh fi bledou gharib

Magroun Uzi em ah
Sellin' weed sellin' crack
Really who gives a fuck ?
Millions and tons of stacks

Balla3 nayyek w lemm 5rak
A9ra nayyek besh tnik lbac
5rit fih bel kedhb rak
Fuck zok om bou babek

Wallit mafyouzi fardou fissac
Haw zebbi al7ssou bakou tic tac
Magroun w uzi don’t give no fuck
5ritou fih bel kedhb