[Verse 1]
If the spot’s available
I’ll be your Flower Girl
Watch from the side
As your lives they intertwine
Definitely trying to sit down an emotion
Not very lavender light
[Verse 2]
A crime
Keep me from crime and please say no
She’s mine
Even the stars and moon know
[Verse 3]
You cannot hide
You cannot jive
I’ll steal her twice
Find you each time
I’ll make this Earth an awful place for you
But the sun will send light just for her
So, I accept the invitation to be your Flower Girl
[Verse 4]
I’ll wear a prеtty white dress
A pretty prеtty dress
With the shoes she threw out
Wednesday night she’s mine
If you decide to go somewhere safe and hide
I’ll find you too
Don’t fight
I’m simply in love with a woman
Who is your wife
And I won’t accept the position of bein'
Flower Girl