The Last of Us
Summer - The Outskirts
[Joel climbs up and spots a far patrol, moving away.]

Joel: Now hold up. There's a patrol up ahead. Alright, we're good. Come on up.
C'mon, kid. Watch your step.

[He covers the passage.]

Joel: This rain ain't gonna do us any good.

Ellie: Holy shit, I'm actually outside.

Joel: Up this way.

[They pass through a trailer, but two guards are waiting. One hits Joel.]

Guard: Don't do anything stupid.

Guard 2: Move.

Guard: Turn around. On your knees. You scan 'em. I'll call it in.

Guard 2: Alright. Put your hands on your head.

Guard: This is Ramirez at Sector Twelve. Requesting pickup for three stragglers. Understood.

Tess: Look the other way. We can make this worth your while.
Guard 2: Shut up. I'm getting tired of this shit.

[He starts scanning them for infection.]

Guard: Mm-hmm.

Guard 2: What's the ETA?

Guard: Couple a minutes.

Ellie: Oh man, oh man.

[She stabs the male guard with her knife.]

Ellie: Sorry!

[They overpower and kill the two guards in the confusion.]

Ellie: Oh...oh fuck. I thought we were just gonna hold them up or something.

Tess: Oh, shit. Look.

[Tess throws the infection scanner to Joel. It's flashing positive.]

Joel: Jesus Christ. Marlene set us up? Why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl?
Ellie: I'm not infected.

Joel: No? So was this lying?

[He throws her the scanner.]

Ellie: I can explain.

Tess: You better explain fast.

Ellie: Look at this!

[She rolls up her sleeve. There's a bite mark on it.]

Joel: I don't care how you got infected.

Ellie: It's three weeks old.

Tess: No. Everyone turns within two days, so you stop bullshitting.

Ellie: It's three weeks. I swear. Why would she set you up?

Joel: I ain't buying it.

[A patrol SUV approaches.]
Ellie: Oh, shit.

Joel: Tess, run. RUN!

Tess: Go. Go! Move!

[She takes Ellie down the embankment just as the officers arrive.]

Patrol: Holy shit.

Patrol 2: I got two dead uniforms. I repeat, two casualties in Sector Twelve. Requesting immediate backup.

Patrol: We just talked to them a minute ago.

Patrol 2: Those fuckin' stragglers are around here somewhere. Secure the area.

Patrol: Yes, sir.

Tess: Follow me. Quickly.

Joel: Shit, they're going to be out in numbers.

Tess: I know.

[They hide behind debris.]

Tess: Alright, Ellie. When I give you the signal, we run. Now. Run. Stay away from those lights. Ellie, it's gonna be another sprint. You ready?

Ellie: Sure, yeah.

Joel: Goddammit! They're everywhere.

[They pass through a culvert.]

Tess: Soldiers. Right there.

Joel: I see 'em, I see 'em.

Soldier: They must've gotten through. Check the trenches!

Joel: Just stay back.

Soldier 2: I don't see anything down there. Are you sure they came this way?

Soldier: Unless we're told otherwise, we just keep scanning.

Joel: Stay down. Don't let them see you.

Tess: Come on, kid. Follow Joel.

[They evade the flashlight beams as they navigate the trenches.]

Ellie: Man, too close.

Joel: You see anything?

Tess: Clear back here. How's it look up ahead?

Joel: So far, so good.

Ellie: Okay...

[They make it through an old building.]

Joel: Shh, shh, shh. I hear 'em up ahead.

Guard: Ops said they took out a couple of our boys.

Guard 2: It's gotta be those fucking Fireflies retaliating.

Guard: We'll be done with them soon enough.

Tess: Go, go.

Guard: Fuck it. Let the clickers get 'em.

Joel: We can get through here. Down through here.

Tess: C'mon, Ellie.

Ellie: Okay...

[They pass through a garage into a military-filled ruin.]

Soldier: Yeah, sergeant!

Tess: Oh, shit. Another patrol. Everybody get down.

Soldier 2: C'mon. Follow my lead. You, check those buildings.

Soldier: Roger.

Ellie: Come on up, Joel.

Joel: I'm coming, I'm coming.

Ellie: There's so many of 'em out there. How are we supposed to get past 'em?

Joel: They ain't spotted us yet, let's go around.

Tess: How's it look?

Joel: There's too many, Tess?

[They move to a corner of the ruin.]

Ellie: Oh shit, they're in here with us.

Tess: See if you can distract 'em.

Joel: Alright.

[He throws a brick to get the squad off their trail.]

Ellie: I see more lights.

Joel: Shit.

Tess: Up there.

Ellie: Are they gonna follow us down here?

Joel: We ain't stickin' around to find out.

Tess: Stay low, keep quiet.

[They finally escape into a drainage area.]

Joel: That was too damn close, Tess. You better be worth it, kid. Tess, you got any idea which way?

Tess: looks so different.

Joel: Hang on. Let's see where this leads.

Tess: Yeah, this looks right. Stay close.

Joel: Well, at least we're out of the rain.

Tess: How's it look?

Joel: I think we can squeeze through here.

[They pass into another trench.]

Soldier: Charlie Squad, report.

Joel: Shit, shit. I got more soldiers.

Soldier 2: Target's still on the loose, sir!

Soldier: Break off pursuit and report back to Sector Eleven.

Joel: I don't think they see us.

Soldier 2: Acknowledged. Get to your vehicles!

Joel: Stay in the shadows.

[The gunmen withdraw. They make it to a ruined basement.]

Joel: Alright.

Ellie: Are we safe?

Tess: No, they're still around. Look, take a moment to catch your breath. Joel, see if there's anything we can use in here.

Joel: Sure thing, boss. Tess, up through here, through this pipe. I think we can make it through here.

Tess: Stay very close, Ellie.

Ellie: Okay.

[They can see military vehicles on the grate above their passage.]

Joel: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on, hang on. Jesus.

Soldier: Gather up, they're calling us back. We're returning to the wall!

Soldier 2: You heard the man. Load them up. Let's go! Let's go!

Joel: Come on.

[The trio makes it out of the drainage trenches. They all stop to rest.]

Joel: Alright, they're gone.

Tess: Look, what was the plan? Let's say that we deliver you to the Fireflies, what then?

Ellie: Marlene... She said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there, still trying to find a cure.

Joel: Yeah, we've heard that before, huh, Tess?

Ellie: And that...whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine.

Joel: Oh, Jesus.

Ellie: It's what she said.

Joel: Oh, I'm sure she did.

Ellie: Hey, fuck you, man. I didn't ask for this.

Joel: Me neither. Tess, what the hell are we doing here?

Tess: What if it's true?

Joel: I can't believe--

Tess: What if, Joel? I mean we've come this far, let's just finish it.

Joel: Do I need to remind you what is out there?

Tess: I get it. This way. If we cut through downtown, we can hit the capitol building by sunrise.

Joel: We hope.

[They finally get a good look at the skyscrapers in the distance.]

Ellie: Holy moley. I guess this is what these buildings look like up close. They're so damn tall. So, what happened here?

Tess: They bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantine zones, hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible.

[They hear a weird cry in the distance.]

Ellie: Ahhh, what the hell was that?

Joel: Tess, do you hear that?

Tess: Yeah. Sounded pretty far away though.

Joel: Shit.

Ellie: Are we safe?

Tess: For now. Come on.

[The road ends at a giant bomb crater.]

Ellie: Damn. That's quite a drop.

Joel: Well, there's the capitol building.

Tess: Yeah, we need to get around this mess.

Ellie: This is the downtown area?

Tess: It was. Now it's a giant wasteland.

Joel: Over here.

[Joel spots a ruined skyscraper nearby.]

Joel: You find anything over there?

Tess: No.

Joel: Keep looking.

Ellie: Should I do anything?

Joel: You just stay close to her for now.

Ellie: Roger dodger.

Joel: Hey, Tess.

Tess: Comin'.

[They enter the Goldstone Building, immediately finding a mangled cop.]

Tess: He's been ripped apart.

Joel: Yeah...

Tess: Body's pretty fresh.

Ellie: Is that bad?

Tess: Yeah, might be... Let's not stick around.

[They find another corpse in the stairwell.]

Tess: Another one. Shit.

Joel: Looks like these guys died waiting for backup.

[They find a weird infected corpse.]

Joel: Goddammit. Clicker.

Ellie: Geez. What's wrong with its face?

Tess: That's what years of infection'll do to you.

Ellie: So what, are they...blind?

Tess: Sort of. They see using sound.

Ellie: Like bats.

Tess: Like bats. If you hear one clicking, you gotta hide. That's how they spot you.

[The building groans in the storm.]

Ellie: Shit.

Joel: Whole building feels like it's about to fall apart.

[The building shakes again, shifting some of the furniture.]

Ellie: Totally cool. Everything is totally cool.

Joel: Gimme a hand with this.

[They push open a wedged door, alerting a clicker to their presence.]

Ellie: Joel!

[Tess pushes it off and kills it.]

Joel: Thanks...

Ellie: You alright?

Joel: It's nothin'.

Tess: Let's search for supplies.

Ellie: Shit! Oh, that was so intense.

Tess: You said it. Here, patch yourself up.

Joel: C'mon. Let's get the hell outta here.

Tess: Up there, look.

Ellie: Yeesh...

Joel: Just see if there's a way through.

Tess: Okay... It's clear. C'mon, Ellie.

Joel: Alright, kid, you're up.

Tess: Come on. You got it. There you go. C'mon, big guy. Gimme your hand.

[She pulls up Joel. They hear a particular noise.]

Ellie: Clickers?

Tess: Oh, shit. Go, go, go.

[They quickly hide in a cafeteria.]

Tess: That's our way out, over the scaffolding.

[They escape.]

Tess: I think that's it. Ellie, you okay?

Ellie: Other than shitting my pants...I'm fine.

Tess: Let's go.

Joel: Gimme a second.

[He clears the stair.]

Joel: Here you go, ladies.

Tess: All right, come on.

Ellie: The stairwell's blocked. Should we go back up?

[Tess climbs out the window onto a rusted window-washing rig.]

Tess: Ahh, this is crazy. Just don't look down.

Ellie: Wha--? Are you serious?

Tess: C'mon, Ellie.

Ellie: Yeah... Don't look down. Don't look down.

Tess: You're okay. We got a way through.

Joel: Oh boy...

[They pass back into a corner window and find more infected.]

Tess: Runners.

Joel: I'll go check it out. Stay with the girl.

[Joel systematically kills all the enemies below.]

Joel: Alright. Come on down.

Tess: I'm impressed, Joel.

Joel: Pssh. Let's just get outta here.

[Joel clears door blockage.]

Joel: Alright. Tess, go.

Tess: Alright, hold on. Here -- this'll work. Alright, gimme a hand, Ellie.

Ellie: Yeah.

[They prop the door open for Joel.]

Ellie: Okay... Alright, that should do it.

Tess: There, see? We're doin' alright.

Joel: Mm-hmm.

[They find a part of the building where the floors have caved in.]

Ellie: Whoa.

Tess: Down we go.

Joel: Let's get to it. We can get through here. Watch your back.

[They descend.]

Tess: You know, I was thinkin'...after we get back, we can take it easy for a little while.

Joel: You want to take it easy?

Tess: Hey, you're the one who's always going on about layin' low.

Joel: And you always brushed me off.

Tess: Well, I won't this time.

Joel: I'll believe it when I see it. Through here.

Tess: Joel, over here.

[They reach a subway. There's a corpse nearby.]

Tess: Look at his sleeve. Firefly.

Joel: These guys aren't doin' too well in or out of the city. Let's hope there's someone alive to meet us at the drop-off.

[He finds a map.]

Joel: They're from the quarantine zone.

Tess: See...they're not our guys.

[They find more clickers ahead.]

Joel: Over there, see it?

Tess: Shit. God, we're almost out. Okay, Joel, you take point. I'll watch the rear. Ellie, no matter what, you stay right on his heels.

Ellie: Sure.

Joel: This way. We're almost out. C'mon.

Tess: Yeah, go over there. Quick, before it comes back.

Joel: Alright. C'mon.

[Tess drops a ladder down.]

Joel: Get up here.

[They all exit the abandoned subway area into the downtown proper.]

Ellie: Holy shit. We actually made it.

Joel: Everyone okay?

Tess: Yes. Let's move.

Ellie: You guys are pretty good at this stuff.

Joel: It's called luck, and it is gonna run out. Which way we goin', Tess?

Tess: Uh...capitol building's in this direction. How do we get up over this truck? Let's see what we can find.

[Joel fetches a dumpster.]

Joel: Climb on up. Maybe we can cut through here.

Ellie: Yeah, that worked out great last time. Sorry -- I'm just sayin'.

[They try entering the garage. A noisy cry rings in the distance.]

Tess: Shhh-shh.

Joel: What? I don't hear anything.

Tess: Okay, double time.

Joel: Oh, shit....

Ellie: Oh -- they're coming.

Joel: I know.

Tess: Okay, that's good, that's good. Go.

Ellie: Okay, Joel.

Joel: Drop it!

[Joel manages to get inside the garage before the girls slam it shut.]

Ellie: got something on your shoe.

[He kicks off the infected's cut-off arm.]

Ellie: Gross.

Joel: Okay. How do we get out of this place?

Tess: Let's find out. So Marlene thinks your immune?

Ellie: Well, that's what she believes.

Tess: Well, how were you bitten? I mean you must've been somewhere you shouldn't to find an infected in the zone.

Ellie: Yeah, I'd sneak out. I was in this military boarding school.

Tess: You'd sneak out?

Ellie: You know, explore the city. I was in the mall when I ran into infected.

Tess: That place is completely off-limits. How the hell did you get in there?

Ellie: I...had my ways. Anyways, one of those -- what you guys call runners -- bit me. And that was that.

Tess: I see. Were you with Marlene when you were bitten?

Ellie: No. I went to her for help afterwards.

Tess: Knowing her, I'm surprised she didn't shoot you.

Ellie: She almost did. Hope she's alright.

Tess: I told you. She's gonna be fine.

[They enter the adjoining museum. Ellie knocks something over.]

Ellie: Ow. Shit. Sorry, sorry. That was me.

Joel: Tess.

Ellie: Sorry!

Tess: C'mon. Stay close to me.

Ellie: What is this place?

Tess: It's an old museum. Some of these things are hundreds of years old.

Ellie: Really? Wow.

[Joel lifts up debris for the girls to pass under.]

Joel: Alright, watch your head. Hurry. Go, go, go. Shit...sonofa...

[The debris breaks, separating the two from him.]

Tess: Joel. Joel!

Joel: I'm alive. I'll make my way around to you.

Ellie: Oh... Look they're here!

Joel: Tess?

Tess: Run. Run!

Joel: Shit.

[The clickers chase the girls off.]

Joel: Tess.

[He goes upstairs, bursting into a room where Tess is fighting off infected.]

Tess: Ellie, stay back!

Joel: Tess!

Tess: I'm fine.

Ellie: Guys, get in here!

Tess: The girl!

Joel: Shit.

[They fight off more infected to save Ellie.]

Joel: That was too damn close.

Tess: Oh shit.

Joel: Tess, how're you holdin' up?

Tess: Just a bit winded. This way. This'll get us to the roof.

Joel: How 'bout you, kid? You okay?

Ellie: Define okay.

Joel: Are you still breathing?

Ellie: Do small, panicked breaths count?

Joel: Yeah, they count.

Ellie: Alright. Then I'm okay.

[They meet Tess on the rooftop.]

Tess: We gotta find a way across. There she is. That's our building.

[He places a plank for them to cross the gap.]

Joel: Alright. Now watch your step as you goin' up 'cause it's gonna be a little...

Ellie: Pssh.

[Ellie brushes his advice off and crosses easily. They look at the Capitol.]

Joel: Well, is that everything you hoped for?

Ellie: Jury's still out. But, can't deny that view.

Tess: C'mon. This way. Hey! Pick it up. Look, we're almost done. Stay focused.

Joel: Yes, ma'am.

Tess: It's right around this corner. C'mon.

Joel: Let's keep moving, kid.

[They cross a hurdle and move to a swampy street nearby.]

Joel: There we go. Home stretch, Tess.

Ellie: Um...just so it's out there. I can't swim.

Tess: Look, it looks like it's shallow on the right side. Follow me.

Ellie: I'm glad Marlene hired you guys.

Tess: What do you mean?

Ellie: I know you guys are getting paid for this -- but I'm trying to say thanks.

Tess: Yeah, sure thing.

[They enter the capitol building and find the Fireflies dead.]

Tess: No. No, no.

Ellie: What happens now?

[Tess frantically searches a corpse's pockets.]

Joel: What are you doing, Tess?

Tess: Oh, god. Maybe they, ah, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going.

Joel: How far are we gonna take this?

Tess: As far as it needs to go. Where was this lab of theirs?

Ellie: She never said. She only mentioned it was someplace out west.

Joel: What are we doing here? This is not us.

Tess: What do you know about us? About me?

Joel: I know that you are smarter than this.

Tess: Really? Guess what, we're shitty people, Joel. It's been that way for a long time.

Joel: No, we are survivors!

Tess: This is our chance--

Joel: It is over, Tess! Now we tried. Let's just go home.

Tess: I'm not...I'm not going anywhere. This is my last stop.

Joel: What?

Tess: Our luck had to run out sooner or later.

Joel: What are you going on about--

Tess: No don't-- Don't touch me.

Ellie: Holy shit. She's infected.

[Joel takes a step back.]

Tess: Joel...

Joel: Let me see it.

Tess: I didn't mean for this--

Joel: Show it to me.

[She pulls back her collar to reveal a fresh bite wound.]

Joel: Oh, Christ.

Tess: Oops, right? Give me your arm.

[She rolls up Ellie's sleeve where her bite mark is.]

Tess: This was three weeks. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse. This is fucking real, Joel. You've got to get this girl to Tommy's. He used to run with this crew. He'll know where to go.

Joel: No, no, no, that was your crusade. I am not doin' that.

Tess: Yes you are. Look, there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me. So you get her to Tommy's.

[They hear a noise outside.]

Ellie: Shit.

Tess: Oh...

[A military vehicle pulls up.]

Guard: Watch the exit!

Tess: They're here.

Joel: Dammit.

Tess: I can buy you some time, but you have to run.

Ellie: What? You want us to just leave you here?

Tess: Yes.

Joel: There is no way that--

Tess: I will not turn into one of those things. Come on. Make this easy for me.

Joel: I can fight--

Tess: No, just go! Just fucking go.

Joel: Ellie.

Ellie: I'm sorry, I didn't -- I didn't mean for this.

Joel: Get a move on.

[Joel and Ellie move out. Tess stays behind.]

Guard: We know you're in there! Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!

[Meanwhile, Joel locks the door into Tess' room.]

Ellie: What the fuck! I can't believe we did that.

Joel: Stop.

Ellie: We just left her to die.

Joel: Stop. You stay close to me. We need to move.

[They can hear Tess fighting nearby.]

Ellie: Oh man...

Joel: Just keep pushing forward.

[From the balcony, they can see Tess' body.]

Ellie: Oh my god. Tess...

Guard: Target neutralized. She took out two of my men. Copy that. You, take out that door. You, with me.

Guard 2: Yes, sir.

Ellie: They're gonna be here soon.

[They continue their frantic escape into a new wing.]

Joel: We're through.

Ellie: What do we do? Joel?

Joel: I got this.

[He kills the squad and they move to the ground floor.]

Ellie: What're we doing? Joel, how're we gonna get outta here?

Joel: Alright. We're gonna have to go through that hall.

Guard: They had to come through here. Comb the area.

Joel: Stay down. I don't know how many more there are.

Guard: They still haven't found the last two.

Guard 2: I heard one of 'em was a kid.

Guard: Does it matter? They took out a bunch of our guys.

Guard 2: Jesus. Well hey, after today this whole Firefly bullshit will be
behind us.

[They kill all the guards.]

Ellie: Joel, there's the exit.

Joel: I see it.

Ellie: There's stairs over there.

Joel: Stay low.

[They enter an abandoned subway.]

Guard: They're going into the subway! Stop 'em!

Joel: Shit.

Ellie: They're following us!

Joel: Goddammit.

[Joel follows her into a spore-filled area. She pulls him down behind cover.]

Ellie: Get down.

Guard: No target. I repeat, no target.

Ellie: There's a soldier over there.

Radio: Understood. Hold your position and wait for reinforcements.

Guard: Copy that. Holding position.

Joel: How the hell are you breathin' in this stuff?

Ellie: I wasn't lying to you.

Guard 2: Did you spot 'em?

Guard: No, place is empty.

Guard 2: Let's find them and get the hell out of here before clickers show up.

[Joel kills 'em and they move onto a submerged portion.]

Ellie: Hey, uh, I can't swim.

Joel: We'll figure something out.

[Joel off. Ellie follows clumsily, climbing debris and finding a flashlight.]

Ellie: Hey look, it still works.

Joel: There's a ladder. Maybe we can use that.

[He find a floating crate pallet.]

Joel: Get on.

Ellie: Really?

Joel: Ellie.

Ellie: Okay, okay. Ah, be careful.

Joel: I gotcha.

[She pushe a ladder off the platform.]

Joel: I got it. Alright, let's get outta here.

[They exit back into fresh air. Joel takes a breather.]

Ellie: Hey, look, um...about Tess... I don't even know what to--

Joel: Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess -- ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Secondly, don't tell anybody about your condition. They'll think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you. And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?

Ellie: Sure.

Joel: Repeat it.

Ellie: What you say, goes.

Joel: Good. Now, there's a town a few miles north of here. There's a fella there that owes me some favors. Good chance he can get us a car.

Ellie: Okay.

Joel: Let's get a move on.