Why did you do me like this, who woulda thought it’d be you that I miss, I got more holes in my heart than some swiss, why did you take away my happiness, why did you call me at night on my phone, was it cause you felt all sad and alone, or was i just another one on your list, I shoulda known from the first time we kissed
You told me that you loved me too fast, I shoulda known that we would never last
One day you’ll think about me when you cry you’ll have lots of friends but then still wonder why you’re alone, now you’re alone, you’ll sit there and say that this life isn’t fair when you pushed away the only one that would care you’re alone, now you’re alone
I got you a Rolex then you made me watch this, I gave you the world and you told me to stop this, you pushed me away and you said that you got this, you found a new man that’s a plot twist (oh), being with you isn’t good for my health, I know you still keep our pictures on your shelf, I’ve seen all your pictures with somebody else, I know you feel all by yourself (oh)