C3 Music
Free Indeed

He who the Son sets free
He who the Son sets free
Is free, free Indeed
He who the Son sets free
He who the Son sets free
Is free, free Indeed
He who the Son sets free
He who the Son sets free
Is free, free Indeed
He who the Son sets free
He who the Son sets free
Is free, free Indeed

Beauty for ashes, sorrow to joy
Mourning to dancing, salvation is here
We're free, free indeed
Unlock your voice and break out in song
Roar like a lion with praise to our God
We're free, free indeed!
Beauty for ashes, sorrow to joy
Mourning to dancing, salvation is here
We're free, free indeed
Unlock your voice and break out in song
Roar like a lion with praise to our God
We're free, free indeed!