Devi McCallion
Sweater Problems 2
If you want to destroy my sweater
[Verse 1]
Cat ears, have 'em, motherfucker
Don't give a fuck about nothing
Claws ten miles long
Metal bat plus problem equals gone
All I fucking want is this kid off my lawn
And let me tell you something about my life
Lately nothing's gone right
But I've tried to be polite
And that hasn't make a goddamn fucking difference
So I'm fucking done with that
I don't know
I don't give a fuck about the space shit
Fuck the moon, fuck the earth
Fuck the Nazis on the sun
I don't give a shit about those goddamn racists
But fuck dying in a goddamn fucking space ship
[Verse 2]
Feline asocial aggression
That's what I got
Little kitten and competition
Gonna get his head popped off
I don't know
Just please don't fucking fuck with me
You may or may not know
That I pilled it quite brilliantly
This big goddamn thing you wouldn't want to look at
Talking wolf gang shit but acting like a meow cat
[Verse 3]
Shitty days fucking happen
I guess but it'd be best
If they didn't
I fucking mean it
I don't know
Some days I just look at the sky
And wonder why I won't just motherfucking die
[Verse 4]
Yeah its true facts
I don't give two fucks
Guess what
I wish the world would just back off
So I could breathe
Or disappear
Clear my head
Or act sincere
As I let myself out the back door
Like a premier
Electrical engineer
Who's actually a stalker slash murderer
Learning the layout of the building for later
See ya later
AKA never