Original Off-Broadway Cast
Dream Ballet (”Corn!”)
As June drifts off to sleep, in her own little corner in her own little chair, Dream June appears
Dream Willy enters
[Dream Big Willy]
(stops his horse)
[Dream June]
Together, they dance a highly symbolic ballet
(ballet begins)
[Big Willy]
Sort of 'Run of DeMille.'
Dream Mother Abby crosses, bringing corn to all!
The nightmare: Dream Jitter marrys Dream June!
After Dream Jitter puts the ring on June's finger, he tears up the lease!
June awakens to find Jitter, standing in front of her
Time's up, Miss High-and-Mighty! You got the rent?
But Jitter, you tore up that lease, remember?
That wasn't me: that was Dream Jitter!
If you ain't got the rent, then you're coming with me to get married!
But why me, Jitter?
Because you're June! June, June, June - just because you're June!
Put me down!
Okay: you're nothing but a no-good low-down flibberty-jibbet!
No, put me DOWN
Oh... alright
(puts June down)
Miss High-and-Mighty
Now, where in tarnation is that Parson?