Lost Girls
Real Life
Dear x and y, et cetera
Thank you for your email and request
I'll give you a short and a long answer
The short one is yes, it's ok
Then there is a longer version, but I don't know what it is yet
I don't have the words

So we have in the writing
The process of waiting for something to happen
This is the small beep on the cassette before the sound begins
This is the countdown to the movie reel
This is the drumroll
This is the uterus where we are before we begin

This is where writing takes place
Writing comes in first
Here and now and every sentence
Every paragraph (Every paragraph)
Every novel is here
You might say that what I call life [?] real life, reality life

Here are things that form the circle
Circle in one piece
I think there's something in it
Something where magic takes place
When we die we become paper
Charcoals and a marker pen
Meanwhile we are merely content
Creators of what is called real life
Real life
Reality life
When we die we become paper
Charcoals and a marker pen
Meanwhile we are merely content
Creators of what is called real life
Real life
Reality life
When we die we become paper
Charcoals and a marker pen
Meanwhile we are merely content
Creators of what is called real life
Real life
Reality life
Reality life