Dis Raps For Hire - EthanAlways
This ugly troll thinks he's slick and tough? What?
But he just fucked with the biggest Billy Goat Gruff!
I'll Bring this fight right to your front door steps, bitch
Send this fucking troll back up under his bridge
I be the double-L you hear from me your sorry
I read a lot of stories this one be for EthanAlways
Wants me to diss this guy some spineless shit online
Been on my mind a while so, my friend, the pleasure's mine!
This wannabe Cyber-Bully is worse than the Miley Cyrus movie
Who's he callin' "Bitching Pussy Lips this guy's as soft as Doogie Houser
You can undo his trousers and suck a thousand dicks
I'll take a thousand shits on your face and see how it fits
How nice of him congratulating m man Ethan right here
It's an honor to be called Twat of the week by the Douchebag of the year!
You fukn pussy hater! you dont need no help with your back!
You got a talent for that so thank your mom and your dad!
What type of sad-ass on Facebook looks for his exact same name?
Then take some time to come up sayin' that this perfect stranger's lame!
The fact this loser's displaying proves that he's he's got 0 game!
And he's just trying to find someone else online to blame!
Taking fake gangster's selfies for your own Spank-Bank
Standing in the bathroom mirror making this face
Super hot bro yo i hope that helps!
When you're home alone at night jerking off to yourself!
This is the worst kind of harassment because you do it from a distance!
You're so persistent because you can hide from any face-to-face resistance!
Little Pussy punks and bitches leaving pictures and comments on people's pages
To dickless for situations and they need to be courageous!
This shit's contagious! This other Ethan is a contagion!
But I'm sorry Fuckstick! I'm immune like Matt Damon!
My name is EpicLLOYD! Bitch!
The first, the best, the only!
The one who leaves you lonely sad and laughed at by your homies!
Dont do Diss Rap's inductions without Introduction!
Cause When i spit in your face i wanna make sure you know who it comes from!
So step off before you type your next malicious online message!
Or become a part of the EpicLloyd's next balanced disstritious breakfast!