I am all the names you call me
I am everythingaphobe
Backwoods Redneck, straight white male
Trigger warning for the frail
I am the opposite
Of every fucking thing you stand for
I am Anti-You
I am the rebirth of virtue
Hate me for my culture
Hate me for my spirit's wealth
Hate me because I'm proud
And I refuse to hate myself
Hate me for social acceptance
From Leftist scum like you
Hate me in the name of your masters
The white and blue
Content to live a life as an anti-white politicians slave
Soon you'll come to see the only safespace you'll find is in your grave
Social Justice Warrior, your blinded eyes will soon come to see
You're just a useful idiot, and I don't give a fuck if you hate me
Justify your poisoned mind with thoughts comprised of cyanide
Simplified and diversified you advocate our genocide
"There's no such thing as nature, There's no such thing as virtue
"There's no such thing as race, There's no such thing as you,"