When it rains (prod. benjicold)
I’m getting high, getting so so high like plane
Bitch go dumb give so so so much brain
I’m on fire, on fire, I feel like kaine
Choppa go far far far, cook him lo mien
I done lost my mind I went insane
I done fucked around and wrecked the range
I buy a whole lotta guns, before I buy chains
I buy a whole lotta guns, before I buy chains
Top down I love it when rains
We can’t back down, pass the baby K
I don’t do dates, Bitch I’d rather go to the bank
I don’t do dates, Bitch I’d rather go the bank
Feel like I’m wayne, I’m always ridin’ with a drac
Feel like Im wayne, I’m always ridin’ with a drac

(The Sopranos, 2000)

“Dr. Melfi: Who do you think does?
Tony: The worst people. The twisted and demented psychos who kill people for pleasure, the cannibals, the degenerate bastards that molest and torture little kids. They kill babies. The Hitlers. The Pol Pots. Those are the even fucks that deserve to die, not my nephew
Dr. Melfi: What about you?
Tony: What? Hell? You been listening to me? No, for the same reasons. We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everyone involved knows the stakes and if your gonna accept those stakes you gotta do certain things. It's business. Soldiers. We follow codes, orders.”