The Underground Crowns
Somos La Mierda
Stick your key into the ignition of @XXD2JXX & @DaCosta1518 but before you do that get your mind out of the gutter and into the *Angry Danny Voice* NINETEENTH!!! Episode of the iTunes acclaimed UNDERGROUND CROWNS! We welcome you to today's topics of: I DID IT. FOR THE GUNTER,My Mixtape,Christmas Tree Envy,How do we decide these Xtremeys???,Angry towards Danny,Why The Earflickers are the next Richard & Syringe,Ezekial Jackson,Is Tyrique #UGC material,Marilyn Manson vs Ozzy Osbourne,Machinima,BIG RICH YOUTUBE CHALLENGE,Mommy's Cavalier,Kiss Em' Marry Em' redemption,A reading from Da Costa's Corner & D2J takes the ground cloves challenge. All this and more in EP19 of The Underground Crowns FOLLOW US ON TWITTER, DOWNLOAD US ON iTUNES