Dry The River
It Was Love That Laid Us Low
I dreamt of a Russian doll bride
Who spun on the points of her feet like a child
But I had the terminal pride of an older man
There’s a Passover cross on the post
But the angel descends in the shape of a crow
Buries its beak in our unfused bones, like it’s okay
Like a moth goes sad and soft in the streetlights’ umbilical glow:
It was love that laid us low
I worked out of town after dark
With apocryphal men, in a cold weather mask
I guess she did best to depart in the Dark Night of the Soul
By nature you’re mild and you’re meek
But they say that you’re judged by the company you keep
Merrily spitting up salt when you speak, like it’s okay
Like a moth goes sad and soft in the streetlight’s umbilical glow
Like a pilgrim father kneels in a land where his god doesn’t go
Like every seed in the sycamore tree will turn its back on its home:
It was love that laid us low
It was love that laid us low