*starts with applause*
[enter The Ariser]
Simmer down. Simmer down...
They gon' make me do this bruh
These fucking kids bruh I swear
*random fart noise in the back*
Oh wait was that running?
Oh shit yo, my fault
Sorry guys, pardon my language
{Speech starts]
Good afternoon everyone
I'd like to welcome all family, friends, and distinguished guests to the YHM Class of 2019 commencement ceremony
Most of you know me as the one hit wonder from Ride, but for those who don't know I'm Will A.K.A. creative genius, A.K.A what's popping, A.K.A. The Ariser, your host for the YHM Class of 2019 graduation
It all started in third grade in room 110, the HOPE class
These young men share a unique passion for the arts, and have throughout the years blessed us with amazing childhood memories that we will never forget
From hit singles Teach Me How To Study to Keep It A Stack, we all engaged ourselves in a long and invigorating creative process
Our members that stand here today shed blood, sweat, and tears into creating this masterpiece
I'm proud to call these boys my family
As a wise man once said, "Life begins with love"
And what is love?
Love is passion
And passion is what drives success
And success gets you money
And money buys you happiness
Many of you may see us as just a band, but we are more than that
It's a brotherhood
For my final words, I want to proudly say to my boys, we made it
So without further ado, welcome to the YHM class of 2019 graduation
Lets get back at it