WolfGang (producer)
Catinamosh tyrannical tiger tooth
Cat in a mosh ready to let loose

I grit my teeth I bear my soul
To win this war I lose control
Uncoil my tail one more time
Stare at the fray then I dive

And oh here I go again
Oh here I go like a cat in a mosh

Catinamosh spotted feline and foul
Cat in a mosh this is my new found
Finest hour

I grit my teeth I bear my soul
To win this war I lose control
Uncoil my tail one more time
Stare at the fray then I dive

And oh here I go again
Oh here I go like a cat in a mosh

Distorted I twitch then pounce
Cat in a mosh
Till all hell comes crashing down

I grit my teeth I bear my soul
To win this war I lose control
Uncoil my tail one more time
Stare at the fray then I dive

And oh here I go again
Oh here I go like a cat in a mosh

So grit your teeth and bear your soul
Unite and stand divide and fall

'Till all is one and one is all
Will win this war just loose control