Connor Price
S - Sibilance
Spic and Span Spitter but my Soul Stained
Surface Shiny as the Silver Surfer or a Swiffer Sweeper
Super Strength Swinging Sticks like Sammy Sosa
Six Silver Sluggers Sittin' on the Shelf, no Syringes
Sharp Shooter with a Sniper Scope, So Specific
Sent to Silence them So the Suppressor's Set, why So upset?
It's Simple Symbolism Silly plus the Safety's on
You're better Safe than Sorry - that's what my Slogan Says, uh
Suck-ups Suck, I'm Sick of Sycophants
Suck a Sack of [?] Sucka, Sufferin' Succotash
I'm Sorry, Smirnoff Shouts Sober Secrets
Seven Shots Straight to my esophagus and Still Spittin'
Woah, nopе, that's Spit-up I'm Seasick, ugh
Spewing Stomach acids but I'm Still Smirking
I'm a Self-Sufficiеnt Solo Showman
Spirit Saver like a Sermon at a Sunday Service, or a Scotch & Soda
Moment of Slience for the Sweet Sixteen
So Savage, Stainless Steel Sai's Slaying Shredder, leave 'em Shell-Shocked
Similar to Splinter's Students