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(Endy Chow)
(Endy Chow)
Too Late
人在做 (People Will Do)
去他***的世界 (The End of the F***ing World)
在天之靈 (Rainbow)
小國英雄 (Heros)
年輕人們 (We Fight Like Kids)
森林大火了 (Forest Is On Fire)
溫室汽球 (Greenhouse Balloon)
灰色小飛俠 (Peter Pan)
赤城千葉 (Akagi Chiba) (2022)
不敵 (Unbeatable)
中二病人 (Chūnibyō)
創傷論 (ghost in my heart all these years)
哎呀咿呀 (Aiya Eya)
如果感覺有顏色 (If You Feel the Colour)
愛比死更冷 (Love Is Colder Than Death)
灰人 (Grays)
當下的力量 (The Power of Now)
英雄勇 (Brave Hero)
覺醒字幕組 (Subtitles Group)
赤城千葉 (Akagi Chiba)
過度活躍 (Timeless)
錢七 (Old Bomb)
離魂記 (Tamashīi Hanareru) (2022)
Ana’s Song
Go With The Flow
告一段落 (Next Chapter)
塵世美 (wonderful world)
大人的科學 (Arrogant Soul)
失散時光 (Never Come Back Yesterday)
絕望的謊容 (Desperate Lie)
逃避 (Running Away)
陽光燦爛的日子 (Princess)
陽光燦爛的日子 (Princess) (Sunshine Version)
離開拉斯維加斯 (We’re Leaving Las Vegas)
鬼怒川 (Kinugawa)
鬼才 (Plastic Trophy)
黑眼圈 (Dark Circles)
14天 (14 Days)
Blowing In The Wind
True Romance
光 (Light)
大雄胖虎綜合症 (ADD)
天馬行空 (Imagination)
密封罩 (Seal Cover)
從前你已共我相好 (Love Each Other for a Long Time)
怪誕城之夜 (The Night Of Nightmare City)
我們都不是無辜的 (Partners)
最終幕 (Shine On Me)
橡筋 (Perfect Distance)
消化不良 (Freeze Illusion)
理智與感情 (Sense And Sensibility)
身後身 (the man behind)
Every Breath You Take
Too Late
三暗刻 (sananko: the three days of darkness)
公仔箱 (Toy Box)
凡夫的樂章 (Ordinary Prelude)
凱旋 (Triumph)
半醉人間 (Cocktail)
和好 (Inner Child)
回去哪要時光機器 (Tenth)
地下街 (Underground)
大躍進 (Assassin)
好世代!!! (Cool Generation)
張氏情歌 (Song of Cheng)
搖滾叛徒 (Rock ‘n’ Roll Traitor)
起跑 (Run)
七味粉 (Shichimi)
今生不回家 (Only Lonely)
創傷論 (don’t let the sadness of the swamps get to you)
受難曲 (God Is Dead)
我是個地球人 (The Man From Earth)
有時 (Sometimes)
極樂 (Bliss)
目黑 (Meguro)
重逢 (Reunion)
重逢 (Reunion) (Moonshine Version)
黑歷史 (Skeleton)
Children Song
The Nurse Who Loved Me
大不了 (Not A Big Deal)
漢城沉沒了 (Seoul)
物極必反 (Extremities)
登陸日 (Mass Landing)
萬世巨星 (Super Star)
退化論 (I’m Ok)
鑿壁偷光 (Catch A Glimpse Of Light)
雷克雅未克 (Reykjavik)
Lightning Crashes
大條樂理 (The Big Deal)
天下無敵 (Invincible)
守口如瓶 (Mouth Shut)
有時 (Sometimes) (White Version)
東區酒廊 (Eastern Lounge)
第一次 (First Time)
離魂記 (Soul Leave the Body)
Out of Ctrl (Bonus Track)
今生不回家 (Only Lonely) (Demo) (Hidden Track)
初戀殘酷物語 (Farewell Original)
好自為之 (On Your Own)
委屈 (Wronged)
從此世界多了一分鐘 (One More Minute in the World)
目黑 (Meguro) (Duet)
雪國 (Snow Country)
食懵你 (Dreaming)
Children Song (Earth Mix)
Shine Like A Star (Hidden Track)
不一樣天空 (Different Skies)
救我 (Save Me)
星塵 (Stardust)
相好 (Friendly)
請讓我回家 (Please Let Me Go Home)
那一天 (That Day)
初戀殘酷物語 (Farewell Original) (December Version)
天使 (Angel)
摩托人 (Motorcyclist)
永遠太遠 (Indigo Blue)
藍雪糕 (Blue Ice Cream)
飛 (Fly)
Everyday Lesson
I Do
With You
三溫暖 (Three Warmths)
四季 (Four Seasons)
坐看雲起時 (Watching the Clouds Rise)
太平道 (Peace Avenue)
守口如瓶 (Mouth Shut) (三年守望 Three Years of Lookout)
時空 (Time and Space)
時間的初衷 (Origin of Time)
有時 (Sometimes) (Green Version)
浪漫石 Gravity Duet
無顧慮的親密 (Carefree Intimacy)
猛鬼街 (Toying)
生 (To Live)
童夢 (Dream of Child)
精神流亡 (Spirited Away)
莫名哀傷 (Sudden Sadness)
逃生門 (Emergency Exit)
逃生門 (Emergency Exit) (門外版)
銀河特快之旅 (Galaxy Express)
雷克雅未克 (Leoi4 Hak1 Ngaa5 Mei6 Hak1) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
黃金入球 (Golden Goal)