Up and down, back and forth
Inside and out it's always worth
The time, the effort, you need to excel
Prevents the default, the road to hell

[Verse 1]
Down the path don't know where it goes
Can't stand still thinkin’ about my woes
Frightened and scared adrenaline rushing
Use the high to propel your mind
Coming down hard life can be crushing
Seize the moment you can never rewind
Deeper and deeper never looking upward
Etching images forever just keep moving forward

Up and down, back and forth
Inside and out it's always worth
The time, the effort, you need to excel
Prevents the default, the road to hell

[Verse 2]
Capture the feeling, enjoy the ride
Never know when it ends, may have to hide
Others think they know have been there before
Experience is wisdom not always a reward
Stumble or trip just pick yourself up
Relapse and recovery, just normal stuff
Always tomorrow faster and faster
Time won't stand still adventures to capture

Up and down, back and forth
Inside and out it's always worth
The time, the effort,you need to excel
Prevents the danault, the road to hell

[Verse 3]
Up the trail not sure where it goes
Thinkin’ of elation, reaching my goals
Frightened and scared adrenaline rushing
Achieving my goals, always crushing
Obstacles seem insignificant now
I've learned to channel my energy somehow
Always focus on the future, never the past
The only way to make euphoria last