I think there’s someone here
I think there’s someone here
I can’t help it
My mutations
New creations
Inside me that I can’t control
Little creature
You heal me
But you kill me
Fresh in absurdity
I try my best to keep it out
Fight for control is painful
I try my best to keep it out
They say to take this pain pill
I try my best to keep it out
This genesis is sinful
I try my best to keep it out
This isn’t just a pimple
Hide away
My decay
Hunker down
Lurk in shade
It will pass
And be okay
The rain won’t come for another day
Better keep it down just a little bit
Better keep it down just a little bit
Better keep it down just a little bit
Or people think you talking to yourself
Ah hell, they a’ready think yo crazy
How 'bout when you birth this baby?
Like Arnold, a junior maybe
A scaly you with a hue of gravy
I think that someone’s here
There’s someone here besides myself
A creature’s void of fear
That speaks to me and no one else
It lurks behind my mirror
A flowing beard and golden vest
It ties into my shoes
And steal the beats inside my chest
I try my best to keep it out
I feel the pressure mounting
I try my best to keep it out
My hair is going rotten
I try my best to keep it out
I can’t control its fang-filled mouth
Or its willingness to breed this loneliness in me
Deep in a crack of each man's heart
Lurks a strange beast, waiting in the dark
It jumps to life with no control
And tears to bits what should be whole
Hide away
My decay
Hunker down
Lurk in shade
It will pass
And be okay
The rain won’t come for another day