"hey... so I know you're probably not expecting this but... happy birthday!
I mean im still out right now and I know its too late to come and see you
But I could come and see you when I wake up!
Wait what you mean you don't wanna see me...
I love you, I really do love you...
All that shit before didn't mean anything I promise, there wasn't even another guy
Involved, it was all to get back at you
I dont know what I was getting back at you for, you never did anything wrong, i'm sorry
I SAID IM SORRY, what else do you expect
No dont hang up on me I didn't mean to get mad, look lets just talk
How is there nothing to talk about, one minute you keep hitting up my phone
Constantly and now you dont wanna know me at all?
This shit ain't fair I just wanna see you...
Ohh you got a new girl now I see how this shit be
Damn well i guess i'll leave you be
Just remember who had your back from the start of all this shit, who was there for you when your dad died, when you ended it with your last girl... ME it was always me there for you...
You know what matter of fact fuck you, fuck what we had
You ain't shit anyways
All this must have just been the drink making me want you haha
Anyways im off to go find me a real man
Text me though for real if you feel like it, I kinda do miss you...
I dont know whats got me in my feels but you treated me like a queen and I need that again, nobody out here treat me like you used to..."