Charley Crockett
Crystal Chandeliers and Burgundy
[Verse 1]
This boxcar's been my home since San Antone
'Cause this ankle of mine turned while hoppin' on
Shoots pain that feeds my dreams with luxuries
I see crystal chandeliers and burgundy
[Verse 2]
I can feel my mother's heartbeat from the track
It's the rhythm of a son that won't be back
Lord knows where my mind is taking me
I see crystal chandeliers and burgundy
If that conductor only knew
All the trouble I've been through
Just to be here on this train once again
[Verse 3]
The freedom of a hobo ain't so bad
You can dream of all the wealth you mighta' had
I guess living on this train is getting to me
I see crystal chandeliers and burgundy
[Instrumental Break]
If that conductor only knew
All the troublе I've been through
Just to be herе on this train once again
[Verse 4]
If there's nothing in this world I've gotta do
But to ride these rails of steel my whole life through
And take away these visions that I see
Of crystal chandeliers and burgundy
Of crystal chandeliers and burgundy