​lady may (cover)
[Verse 1]
I'm a stone's throw from the mill
And I'm a good walk to the river
My workin' day is over
We'll go swim our cares away
Put your toes down in the water
And a smile across your face
And tell me that you love me
Lovely Lady May

[Verse 2]
Now I ain't the sharpest chisel
That your hands have ever held
But, darlin', I could love you well
'Til the roll is called on high
I've seen my share of trouble
And I've held my weight in shame
But I'm baptized in your name
Lovely Lady May

[Verse 3]
Lord, the wind can leave you shiverin'
As it waltzes over the leaves
It's been rushin' through my timber
'Til your love brought on the spring
Now the mountains all are blushin'
And they don't know what to say
'Cept a good long line of praises
For my lovely Lady May
[Verse 4]
Now, I ain't the toughest hickory
That your axe has ever felt
But I'm a hickory just as well
I'm a hickory all the same
I came crashin' through the forest
As you cut my roots away
And I felt a good long way
From my lovely Lady May