I Fucked a Turkey
#TalkToFrank IV: The Final Talk
Yo, boy. Yes, Jake. Alex is morbidly obese. Stupid shit. There you go. B. My dad thinks I'm funny so that's all that matter. Emma Watson looks like a boy. Anyway, what you guys doing? Anthony is hot would bang, ten outta ten. Woosh, you have a small pener. Like you stole Anthony's virginity? Gotta love the Oedipus complex. We openly endorse ISIS. I only like to suck dick on a weekend. My ass has been pounded that much I can't control my shit. IFATAGAWI sex-tape when? I don't know who either of you are but watching for the boy's long hair. Oh, you're working on a track, what kind of music? I roundhouse kicked my mum because she told me I was dumb. Man-love is okay. Child assault will be the calling of the next generation. Chug, chug, chug, chug. Snout. Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. I drop kicked my Nan. Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore, the shells sh–she sells are sea shells I'm sure. How long you gonna be at Anthony's, you hoes? I can bring the CD's, I'll be at Rawtenstall in an hour. Click this link for hot mum getting gang-banged by father's friends. I can see Anthony's long pener. Call a woman beautiful a thousand times and she wouldn't remember, call a girl fat once and she will never forget; that's because elephants never forget. Lol, are you ready? My rofl-copter goes soi-soi-soi-soi-soi-soi-soi. Thumb. Susanalbumparty. Why does Neve spell her name as "Niamh?" Silly snowflake. Do a barrel-roll. Italian memes are cancer, why does Connor post them? Your Nan's face. (Burps) What are you guys doing, are you just super bored? (Burps) I know the real reason why Hitler killed himself; it's because he saw the gas bill. Fairs, haha. Here's a life lesson to all kids: if a stranger offers you drugs, take it, 'cause nowadays, drugs are expensive. Is this the behind-the-scenes? Fuck you, Facebook, I use Bing. Fuck you, Connor. Connor, are you okay? Roasted. Shit, this is still going? Connor can't skate. I can't either. It's been shared, I think everyone on my list can see it. Connor's actually really good. Lick my taint, father. The cat actually has a Facebook page. Well, Callum is sexy. Anthony's really godo. Godo. Anthony's better than Connor but Jake Bromley's better. Please, no. Oh, kill yourself. Keep the live-stream on 'til I get there. I wanna dab lived. Live. Please leave the kitty alone. Fuck off Aiden. Shredder. Hi Liv. Shreddies. Everything is commenting twice, why? Don't say "Hi" to me. Mosher for a dollar, give me a holler. Um, um, um. Hi to me? I'm a lyrical-miracle-spiritual individual. My favourite band is B.V.B. Moist, wet, humongous, juicy, massive. Soup. No. Yes. Marley told me he's gonna be late, he's a Joe. Hoe. Bog off. That is an awful word. Long schlong. I like M.C.R. Thumbs up if you're gay. Connor, I will slap you. Abby's playing a video-game and she sucks. I will slap you both. Say out loud with me: "Hissssssssssas." Fight me. Whip out that fat cock and let me have a suck, babe. Abby just said to me: "You think you're so funny." Wise words of the God. http://forum.phun.org/index.php?threads%2Femma-watson-leaked-pics-and-videos.1798240%2F – She's a boy. What's going on? It might have been taken down. Green is not a creative colour. Green is better than pink. Thick. What the fuck? I need to get a bus home but I'm having too much fun sat at Abby's doing nothing. In my pyjamas. I'm. Suicidal. Hi suicidal, I'm dad. Someone doesn't know how to spell "Chimichanga." Okay, I go now, I'll be at your house at 1:00, baby. It's hard to clap with a dick in your hand. Hi, Mark. I'm sad enough to watch this stream. I'm having a breakdown, I'm relatable. Mark isn't a worry. Comment. 'Sup? I don't know what to say, really. Well then. I'm aiming to steal one of Abby's Monsters before I leave her house. I was gonna say, I might actually come down. I'm sorry. Aw. That's the cutest thing I've heard you say, Ant. Ant? Put $UICIDEBOY$ on. Who's seen this? Sewer-slide boys. My car is stuck on a house-wall in GTA. I am your only fan. Death. War. Famine. Turkeys. Poverty. C-C-C-C-Cancer. K.K.K. I will be back when I get home, bye. Some stupid shit. Well, this is fun. What are we watching? Better be a good fucking dab. Penis tastes like Walkers barbecue chicken. I bet it'll suck. Afternoon, fam'. Where is this being filmed? A crack-house? What's black, white, and red all over? I'm a father who laughs and shares memes. It's a lyric, don't take offence, kisses. How much would it cost to ejaculate on the skateboard? On my way, baby, with the CD's. If I buy eleven vinyls, can I bust a nut on one? Is this at Anthony's house? Because I'ma come crash if it is. Yeah, I do, LMAO. Boy. Dillan loves dick. Li'l' Connor. Time for the bad dab. Awful. Don't shit yourself, talk to Frank