Ole Kristiansen
Suna Tamarmi
Suna tamarmi persuarsiornalerami
Arlaannilluunnit isummiinnarneq sapilerpunga
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit

Tikitagummi pissutsit nutaaginnarsuit
Eqqumiingaaramik soorlumi salluinnaat
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit

Sakimmisunneq qaangiutereersoq
Tinguara isuma sapilersoq
Nunarsuaq qajannaannerpaasoq
Atortui tamarmik tikiussat

Nuannarisaqarlunga sinnattuleruma
Kuussuit sisoortut isingisarlungit
Inuiaat sorsuuttut tusartalersaraakka
- Kuussuit sisoortut qanngulunnerat

Eqqumiingaaramik soorlumi salluinnaat
Tikitagummi pissutsit nutaaginnarsuit
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit
Aamakkuli suli saninni inuit

Sakimmisunneq qaangiutereersoq
Tinguara isuma sapilersoq
Nunarsuaq qajannaannerpaasoq
Atortui tamarmik tikiussat

Everything has become so solemn
Even casual decisions I cannot bear
But there still are Inuit around me
But there still are Inuit around me

What we have come to are all new values
They are so obscure that they seem like lies
But there still are Inuit around me
But there still are Inuit around me

As the self-compassion has long vanished
I picked up a fragile thought
This great land the most robust of them all
All its hardware was brought up here

If I dream something nice
I see great rivers falling
Then I suddenly hear nations in war
- The sound of the rivers roaring

They are so obscure that they seem like lies
All new values that we have come to
But there still are Inuit around me
But there still are Inuit around me