Laura Les
Kidnapped, Spiritual Cleansing, And Bleeding To Death ASMR
Welcome. How are you? Ah, good, good. Well... hmm... it's really ~knife~ to meet you. Would you care for some tea? Yeah, you really caught my eye out on the hills last week. You were in the corner, I was in the other but we were only two feet apart. I really vibe with your aura but I couldn't help but notice your chakras seem a bit off. Here, let me balance them for you. I was thinking we could do a guided meditation followed with some aura cleansing with some stones I brought along
*clicking stones*
Alright, you're gonna breathe in...
And we're gonna breathe out
Breath in with me...
And breathe out
Alright, good job
*more clicking stones*
Now, let me introduce you to my favorite stones. Here we have fluorite, it's great for mental order and clarity, spiritual growth. Smoky quartz, guides souls into the afterlife. And, uh, rose quartz for love, [?] logic and amethyst for meditative calm and peace. I'm gonna place each of these on your head. Great! Now, take a couple more deep breaths in... Now, good, that looks lovely. Here, do you mind if I... uh, tape you up a lil bit? I promise it won't hurt
*crinkling tape sounds*
You just move your arm up a little bit for me. Thank you for being cooperative. And now your mouth please, thank you
*tape crinkles some more*
Great, thanks. Let me know if it gets too hard to move. You know, you really kinda remind me of my last hostage. Would it be, uh, cool if I gave you a bowl cut? Okay, thanks, perfect. Aw, shit, I forgot the bowl
*glass bowl clicks*
Let me just finish up, a few touches
I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You're doing so great, doing so, so, so great. Hm, wait, you're fine! It's gonna be all good. I'm sorry