Rett Madison
Good Intentions
I won't wear a white gown
Or parade down the aisle
I won’t raise your unborn grandchild
Am I not the daughter, you planned on
Back when all you were good intentions
I won't live behind a white picket fence and a tree line
I won't waste my life trying to keep a man satisfied
Am I not the daughter you had planned on
Back when all you had were good intentions
Mama does your wedding dress wait in the closet
Mama does my bassinet gather dust in the attic
Like the dreams you built around me
The milestones you thought I’d reach
But mama all your dreams are antiques
I vow to travel the world and see all its sights
I vow to fall in love with a different city every night
But when I write home I get no reply
Are you terrified, I didn't grow up just to die
Am I not the daughter you planned on
Your child, oh she's grown now and she's gone
Am I not the daughter you planned on
Back when all you had
Was just a girl you loved bad
Back when all you had were good intentions