Neckbeard Deathcamp
Bricks Out for Harambe
Destruction ov property makes a protest illegitimate he shrieks in an ill fitting tea party shirt
The shrill tone of a thirty year old man child silenced by a right cross to the jaw
The hate in my knuckles crushes his purge inspired paintball mask like a newspaper
I hurl a paving stone through the front window ov the credit union on the corner
The blast ov antifa energy wipes a coexist bumper sticker from a nearby subaru outback
The streets now a suffocating wasteland buried under the settling dust ov the old world
Two soros foundation battle mechs bathe one ov the last straight men in the city in a tornado ov flames as he hides behind a trash can
I smile as his bones turn to cinder
I hear the battle cry like a low thunder in the distance
No starbucks window remains on Planet Earth
Bricks out