Friday Night Pyro (February 14th, 2020)
Friday Night Pyro February 14th, 2020 Boise, Idaho CenturyLink Arena
Vice intro
Show opens with All Man looking directly into the camera “Ladies & Gentleman Mr. Burt Bacharach as he performs “What the world needs now” inside the Alvista titled “ALLVISTA” tonight which is an upscale Italian restaurant. All Man and All Woman applaud the performance (you can tell All Woman is keeping a bit reserved mature in her body language, upholding that this date is in fact PLATONIC) All Man pulls out the chair for All Woman as she sits immediately a waiter appears to reveal a huge steak and salad dinner for the two. (You then see dialogue begin) All Man: This place looks nice huh? Alll Woman: Um wow yeah but a bit expensive yeah? How much are you paying for this? All Man: Listen I’m the xpwew world heavyweight champion I’m sure it’s all on the house. looks at waiter Isn’g that right? Waiter: I have absolutely no idea who you are
The live crowd is seen and they go wild and we are introduced to the commentary table Kaitlyn Khoas & Nick Simmonds and the camera quickly pans to the far right to see a “Weekend At Bernie’s* esq Troy Clausen sitting in a wheelchair with goofy silly wacky eyeball glasses on LOL
Lotus enters (big pop)
Quick hype package last week of her verbally dismantling Shane McCoy’s failed rap career and support of terrible people IE: Chris Johnson
Shane McCoy enters (boo)
M1: Shane McCoy vs Lotus
[Ends in draw technicality when McCoy uses the tag rope to choke Lotus and although she doesn’t quit referee Kevin Madrox decides to call the match for “foul play” interesting call. Shane McCoy hits referee Kevin Madrox with “The Odyssey”
and Romeo Roselli storms down to the ring and tries to push McCoy and say for that unnecessary response to our official I’m fining you 10 grand. McCoy fired up! McCoy: Are you serious moron? I run this damn promotion you idiot! You can’t do a thing to me Romeo: Maybe I cant but maybe I can book myself to fight you? Because I said when I took this job over a year ago that I had no plans on leaving the ring and I McCoy: attacks Roselli mid sentence and they get to brawling until Lotus breaks up the scuffle and applies the helm sharpshooter on McCoy and Romeo even says “Let em’ go, Let em’ Go” McCoy dashes out side the ring: McCoy: Roselli you need to know you role, and understand what you’ve done. I’m fair okay I’m not spiteful and if you ever wanna step back in the ring, Feel free to step down from you position but KNOW. THIS. Expect the most.
The Set enters and Myron Reed takes the lead on the promo as they lay down a 6 man tag challenge against Plagueground and Dragon Kid
M2: Jordan Oliver, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil defeat Joe Gacy, Brodie Croyle & Dragon Kid (mid match Leonard McGraw brawls with Dragon Kid into they crowd and they have a unique brawl from the stairs, to the back where it ends with McGraw putting Dragon Kid over the concession stand and then McGraw drinks tap beer straight from the spicket. McGraw spits it in Kid’s face as he lies prone. Ms. Ryu says something angry in Japanese at Dragon Kid but it’s not translated and we have no idea what she said
Flirting With Disaster PPV how to purchase promo
We come back from the break to recap what happened with Kid and McGraw and Kaitlyn Khaos informs the audience what was said by Ms. Ryu and it’s said that McGraw has challenged Kid at the upcoming Flirting With Disaster PPV to a match where if McGraw wins Dragon Kid must remove his mask
Pre recorded promo: Rosemary and Slayer cut eerie promo as they do a tour of theirs home which looks like an abandoned apartment complex and Slayer’s international title shrine is pretty dope (it is the most prestigious belt now) [This pre tape was done to freshen up who Rosemary and Slayer are to the new VICE viewers]
M3: Audrey Carbine defeats Lola Starr via submission
99 days until LOCKDOWN 7
M4: Champagne Clausen defeats Eugene as he quote “trims the fat” After the match Freight Train makes the challenge 1 on 1 in a stretcher Match and Champagne I’ve never been happier to accept
Freight Train shows a video of what him and Troy Clausen have been up to and a straight rip of My Name Is Earl is that Train has been putting Troy in these wheelchair basketball leagues and having “bonding time”
Winner will be the No. 1 contender for the I-N Title M5: GG defeats Based Fabian [ After the match GG says Larva is what it is, a collection of like minded people but my sights are on that gold and Your gonna have to kill me, to stop me from getting it Rosemary comes out to have a promo war with GG and she’s being really creepy and Rosemary does a magic trick and a twin Rosemary appears and GG looks confused and they both storm into him, lights fade to black and it’s slayer in the ring mauling GG with a steel chair wrecking him knees with the gold but then GG’s irl girlfriend Amy Lee also member of Larva hits a crazy Somoan drop on Slayer and Slayer absorbs the punishment and runs up the ramp and just in a few minutes GG and Slayer just got real personal
Doxy enters in very “sexy” attire in anticipation for the “Bra & Panties Match” she challenged xpwew women’s champion Kiera Hogan to last week?
Kiera Hogan appears at the ramp
Do you really think I was gonna lower my standards and compete in such an embarrassing match, Boise doesn’t deserve to see they. Unlike you I hold myself to a standard Doxy, you can strip for these mouth breathers but I’m not because I’m a women’s wrestler a champion not a thot. Why don’t you put your big girl panties on and grow some self esteem because I’m not gonna put my title on the line on free cable tv. Nah you gotta order the PPV to see me compete
Doxy reacts accordingly standing in the ring
All Woman gets on one knee and proposes in front of everyone at the restaurant
All Woman grabs All Man’s hand as he’s having a great time, She says ALL of this, ALL of it was great but I feel like I have to tell you that ........ I really like you ..But this is ALL happening really fast and I wasn’t expecting this, The flowers, the everything but I um All Man: Whattaya say? All Woman: inhales I don’t know. I don’t know I’m sorry I’m sorry (All Woman grabs her coat and walks out of the restaurant in a rush)
Scott Steiner walks in with 2 big bottles of Champagne spraying it and the waiter gives him the neck “no not right now” signal Steiner: What the Fuck???
M6: Golden Bryce defeats Alveno La Flare Bryce cuts a promo “All Man. You’ve had your 15 minutes and on the 23rd I’m taking that title back so cherish the minutes. Crowd kinda groans