Friday Night Pyro (March 20th, 2020)
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro March 20th, 2020 Los Angeles, California The Barracks
Show Intro
We are introduced to our commentary team for the evening as usual Kaitlyn Khaos followed by Nick Simmonds they introduce tonight’s show with the announcement that “The Set” has reserved the following segment you are about to witness and they swing it over to a video production.
(Setting. Philadelphia. Nighttime. Night life vibe. The camera pans into the house in the middle of the street with dozens of people inside then in the living room you see xpwew Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver saying what’s up to the camera then in the hallway you see more random people followed by Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil, Chrissy Rivera and Siaka Lexoni then the camera zooms even more into a back bedroom where we see Ruckus for the first time since his arrest last December. <> <<>>
Ruckus: I know y’all have been wondering where the fuck Ruckus been the last couple months (coughs) Shit y’all probably been thinking where the fuck Ruckus been in a whole minute you know what I’m saying (ha) See I ain’t left! I ain’t been nowhere! I’ve been home I’ve been maxing I’ve been relaxing Still getting paid but I’m 2nd to none and y’all ain’t seen nothing yet (hits blunt) You n***as gon’ see a hell of a lot more of me in the near near future (coughs) Stay tuned <<
Jacques Dudley enters with Alveno La Flare and the team of 3M3
M1: Ruckus defeats Jacques Dudley
After the match Dragon Kid comes off to fend off Jordan Oliver ahead of their matchup next Sunday at Blitzkrieg Jordan @ Kid “You lucky Tim McGraw ain’t wet you up yet little boy!”
M2: Dragon Kid & Alveno La Flare defeats Siaka Lexoni & Kotto Brazil
Dragon Kid gets the roll up pin on Lexoni but immediately after The Set attacks Kid and La Flare and now the next match flows ever so effortlessly. <<< Very NWA Powerrr-ish but it’s effective because there is no crowd
<<<>>> Popcorn and laughter from them all show
M3: Myron Reed defeats M3 Quintillo
“That’s the Set 2 and these 4 gentlemen 1” surely the score between these “sets” get squashed at Blitzkrieg in just 9 days
In Ring Segment: Garrett Thompson and Ethan Bedlam
Garrett Thompson & Ethan Bedlam explain that they are completely satisfied that they broke the arm of Leonard McGraw last week Garrett: “It was so chilling, no audience either just silence and it was a sexual rush for me watching <<> McGraw comes on the Titan tron “You sum bitches. You happy happy joy joy sun bitches. Garrett Thompson you’ve been in this illustrious business how many years now BOY! Where is your gold? Where is your stripes. Well as far as Your ass is considered son that Ass is mine and that ass is striped cause I’ll tell you like this. I’m gonna rehab this arm and when I ain’t sitting like the tin man. I’m fixing to slap the piss out of both of you sons of bitches. Matter of fact. Why don’t I do it right now. <<<<>>> McGraw (WITH AN ARM SLING) attacks them both to the best of his abilities but eventually the numbers game catches up and Bedlam grabs the crutches and beats McGraw down and GT eventually gets up and gains the upper hand “All your friends are dead Leo, whataya gonna do” GT wields the crutches up in the air and little 95 pound Ms. Ryu steps between them in attempt to stop the onslaught of her implied guy Leonard McGraw
<> <<<>>> Ryu is very upset and isn’t phased by the hand kiss from GT Bedlam: Now get your bullocks outta my sight
Freight Train stands up and cuts a hilarious “Water Boy Bobby Booshay”-like promo about how GT and Bedlsm are bully’s and they need help
<> Croyle; Now I’m no Leonard McGraw fan but he’s a non factor now. He’s a broken man. But GT and Ethan you two are ripe for the Pickens!!!!
M4: Brodie Croyle defeats Ethan Bedlam
(Leonard McGraw and Ryu on commentary) RYU SPEAKS ENGLISH NOW?!?!?!?!??
Backstage Interview: James Westerbeck asks Champagne Clausen what’s in his head knowing his father will be ringside. Champagne: Vegetables don’t speak.....
Pre-Recorded segment: Slayer working in the ring actively with Lotus teaching her some tips of the trade. It’s a great moment to see them interacting positively and you can tell Lotus looks up to Slayer Slayer then sends a quick message as he’s laying down the gauntlet for an open challenge in 9 days at Blitzkrieg for his XPWEW International Title....
M5: Lotus & Rosemary defeats Doxy Deity & Genevalisse
Pre-Recorded segment: All Man visits Scott Steiner in the hospital Easily a potential XTREMEY award winner Hilarious segment Steiner: They got me in this stinkin’ hospital there’s Corona Virus everywhere and they won’t sanitize the big bad booty daddy’s room Steiner slaps the ass of his nurse who looks fed up with Steiner’s antics All Man: don’t you wanna come home? Steiner: HOME?!?!?!?!?? Are you kidding me I’m having the time of my life here. Free food did you get your belt back All Man: well that’s what I’m here to talk about. In 9 days I’m gonna get it back Steiner: <<<>>>> (Steiner talks in his real voice for the first time ever) All Man. I want you to get in the gym. Train. Eat. Train. Eat. Train and train again. I was only world champion once and it eats at me knowing I never won the title a Second time. I’m asking you NO! I am TELLING you. Beat the shit out of that Smug Bastard Curtis Clausen. Beat the bricks off of that Weak Punk Gold and Ice All Man: Golden Bryce? Steiner: Are you even listening to me. Don’t regret anything. Eat them alive!!!! Consequences WILL NEVER BE THE SAME DO YOU HEAR ME All Man: Yes sir....
M6: Main Event Champagne Clausen & XPWEW Women’s Champion Kiera Hogan vs All Man & All Woman
All Woman gets the victory on Champagne in a SHOCKING upset All Man and All Woman hug and scurry out of the ring as its great momentum for All Man in 9 days at Blitzkrieg
Golden Bryce enters with the title around his waist and stares at All Man at the entrance way
Champagne looks over at Freight Train and Troy Clausen sitting alone in the crowd, Champagne jumps the rail and flips the wheelchair over with his dad in it Everyone (Bryce, All Man, Train, All Woman) quickly goes over to help Troy Clausen (still in a vegetated state) back upright after Champagne dumped him out of his wheelchair
Champagne walks up the empty stairway
Kaitlyn Khaos on commentary: “It’s always gotta be about Champagne”
Show ends