Friday Night Pyro (May 15th, 2020)
Episode: 426 Date: May 15th, 2020 Network: VICE Location: Los Angeles, California Building: The Barracks
Opening Segment: XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Golden Bryce! Before he can speak into the microphone
Enters his mentor Masato Tanaka Masato: Young Man. Youth. Oh to be young. Golden Bryce. Or should I call you G-Baby? chuckles. 8 days. You have eight whole days to prepare for Ruckus on the biggest stage anyone in that locker room has competed in. I’ve had great Lockdown moments. I’ve had some I’d like to forget as well, And I know you do cause one year ago you sent me a text and 1 in the morning merely hours before your Lockdown 6 match with Jake Awesome and you asked me: What am I gonna do tomorrow? Well Bryce I don’t know and by the looks of it you didn’t either. You lost. You walked in a champion and walked out with nothing. And fast forward one year. You walk in AGAIN as world champion. Do I??? Do I think you’re gonna walk out with that same world title? I. Don’t. Know..... I don’t know if I see passion? I don’t know if I see will? Tears? Blood? Sweat? Do you know that Ruckus is 3-0 at Lockdown? Did you know that? He even beat me? So believe me! I know he’s a different breed. But Bryce you’re special too, it takes a special person to get back to that spot only one man before has done that and it was Jake Awesome. Maybe last year you just got a bad draw, you drew a bad hand. Maybe just maybe last year you fought the greatest champion in the history of this sport. But Bryce let me tell ya brother Ruckus should not be overlooked. His punches feel like kicks. His kicks feel like despair. And he isn’t looking for good sportsmanship. He’s looking to bludgeon you next Saturday... You can’t reason with Ruckus And so help me if you try to shake that god damn hand of his, like he’s got any respect for you or anybody. He doesn’t! So don’t bring that bullshit, don’t reach out your hand. Look at me! Look at me when I’m talking to you. You have to be ruthless. Ruckus is not gonna wait, he’s gonna be looking for a fair fight for God Sake’s look at the impressionable youth he surround himself with? The Set? Oh to be young again! Ruckus is starving. He’s starving emotionally. His life is a train wreck and He needs the validation of that world title. The man can’t even stay clean and out of prison long enough to have a world title feud. It’s why he’s never had one. So Bryson don’t look for a fair 50% 50% game of chess. You are playing chemical warfare in 8 days. So I don’t want no smiles and handshakes and hugs. NO MORE! Your social media? You’re making Tik Tok dance videos with your pregnant wife? You’re hiring dance crews and school marching bands to do your entrance FUCK THAT BULLSHIT. Do you know how much egg is gonna be on your face when you get all the fireworks, all the bells and whistles and you LOSE. You think Ruckus wanted this? You think he has an ounce of passion for this business. 3 months ago he was eating his meals through the slit of a metal door. He’s an animal. So you have to bring out a different version of Golden Bryce on the 23rd of May. Because if you don’t....if you.......... coughs If you bring THIS Golden Bryce to Lockdown 7. You’re gonna get your ass handed to you..... Do shape up! or ship out! And never come back because if you don’t take this advice your gonna look like the biggest bust in XPWEW history. Am I understood? Golden Bryce (looks at Tanaka in Eyes with a cold dead blank stare, then off into the stands. Bryce looks down at the title around his waist and then walks out of the ring) ((Bryce saunters up the ramp)) (((The Set runs past him: Myron, Kotto, Jordan, Chrissy, Lexoni and this Ruckus who slowly walks past Bryce making eye contact)))
The Set start to beat down Masato Tanaka but Bryce still standing at the halfway spot on the ramp just watches the beatdown of his mentor??????
Ruckus holding a steel chair as Myron and Kotto hold Tanaka up awaiting a head shot
Ruckus: Last call n***a. You gonna save him?
Bryce: just turns around and walks up the ramp
(((Ruckus hits Masato over the head with a devastating chair shot)))
Bryce doesn’t even look back
Commentary puts over the seriousness of The Set’s vicious attack on XPWEW Legend Masato Tanaka
Tag Team Match
XPWEW Women’s Champ Prisiclla Kelly enters
Doxy enters
Mandy Leon enters with The Marauder Simon Gotch
Kiera Hogan enters with 911 Brian Lee
Tag Team Match M1: Doxy Deity & Prisiclla Kelly vs Kiera Hogan & Mandy Leon w/ Simon Gotch ENDS IN NO CONTEST While Doxy and Prisiclla were scheduled to be partners tonight it didn’t stop Doxy from turning on her biggest rival to attack her from behind to the point referee Kevin Madrox had to call the match off while him and Simon Gotch separate the two from attacking each other. Even Romeo Roselli comes down to help break up the doddybrook
PROMO: Slayer vs Jake [history] Commentary breaks down what happened last week with Jake and Slayer and Rosemary [[[Jake appears with a bandage wrapped around his stomach]]]
Jake Awesome needs to rest his injured stomach but her is anyway in his first match on Friday Night Pyro since October 2019
1 on 1 M2: Jake Awesome defeats Alveno La Flare
Lotus walks down to blindside Jake but Jake is way ahead of her antics and he runs up and grabs her in a spine buster position and Rams her through the corner guardrail but then hoists her up and Oklahoma Slams her through the commentary desk. Not enough, Jake sets up a table outside. Throws Lotus in the ring and Awesome Bomb’s her over the ropes and flings her to the table he set up down below for a wicked wreck. Jake flexes hard and belts out a screech of intensifying roar. Rosemary and Slayer stand at the ramp and attempt to jump in the ring. Jake baits them into to do so. But Jake runs them down and chases them both and the camera follows Jake chasing Slayer and Rosemary to the back to the point Slayer and Rosemary jump in a vehicle and Jake is right on their heels. Jake gets on top of the hood and busts through the windshield and grabs Slayer’s hair and tries to pull him out of the car through the little hole he busted open within the windshield of the car.
Rosemary gets out of the car and beats Jake with an umbrella all the while he’s trying to pull Slayer out of the car while simultaneously getting thwacked with this umbrella. Rosemary then sprays the mist in his face and that stops Jake from his onslaught. Jake rolls backwards off the hood of the car. Half the locker room has emptied out into the parking lot at this point to try to intervene but Jake covered in mist just looks at Rosemary and says “I’m gonna knock your teeth down your fucking throat”. Rosemary is also yelling insults his way but Jake then starts to attack security and he jumps in a car also. Is he gonna chase Slayer down?
1 on 1 M3: Audrey Carbine defeats All Man via submission with The Art of Ballistics
Joe Gacy comes out grabs Audrey by the hair but in an intense friendship comeadery kind of way?? All Woman walks past them but Gacy grabs her by the hair and All Woman pleading no is able to low blow Gacy and then start punching Carbine down the ramp until All Man has the strength to get back up and hit Carbine with The Allman Joy
4 Way Dance M4: Ruckus defeats Champagne Clausen, Garrett Thompson, Leonard McGraw
(It becomes a 1 on 1 between Ruckus and Champagne essentially after GT no shows and as soon as Leonard hears that word he runs to the back)
During the match Leonard McGraw finds Ethan Bedlam and is basically just kicking his ass around the backstage/catering area. Pulling out all the spots, pouring every item of food you can find all over Bedlam. Meanwhile in the ring it’s Ruckus who secures the win over Champagne and Bryce comes down and goes punch for punch with Ruckus until Bryce clotheslines him out of the ring. Bryce even hits the 6 Rings on Champagne for good measure. Bryce amped up “Is this the Golden Bryce, Masato Tanaka said he needed time be?” - Kaitlyn Khaos “That probably didn’t include Bryce leaving his left for dead at the hands of The Set earlier tonight but...I don’t know maybe Masato is an odd guy” - Nick Simmonds
Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick Simmonds run down the match card for XPWEW Lockdown 7 __/___/ Lockdown 7 goes down May 23rd, 2020 in Rashid Stadium Slayer defends the XPWEW International Title against Jake Awesome, The Tag Team Titles are up for grabs as All Man and All Woman take on the Death Machines Audrey Carbine and Joe Gacy. The Women’s Title will be defended in a 3 Way Dance as Prisiclla Kelly puts it on the line against Doxy Deity and Kiera Hogan. Personal scores to be settled when Leonard McGraw takes on Garrett Thompson; Father vs Son. Troy Clausen wants Champagne to drop the name Clausen and if he defeats him 1 on 1 in a No Holds Barred match he’ll get his wish. Jordan Oliver puts up the XPWEW Juniorweight Title against the “original” Juniorweight himself Jacques Dudley and ultimately the XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship Title is on the line as Golden Bryce defends against Ruckus in a historic main event. Purchase Lockdown 7 on live streaming PPV on FITE TV for the low low price of $39.99 order now!
[[Jake Awesome is being followed by a camera man this whole time from the incident earlier tonight]] [Jake is walking into a Marriott hotel] Jake speaks with a Marriott employee
Jake: Hello miss, Yes is a Joseph Starven checked in? Marriott Employee: Yes, May I ask the reason. Jake : Yes I’m his brother, umm our father Marc has just passed away, I really really really need to tell him this in person. Family matter. Marriott Employee: I’m so sorry to hear that? Jake: Yep Marriott Employee: Name? Jake: Al Snow...Al Starven.. yeah Al Starven Marriott Employee: (on the phone)........Yes he’s in room 2679 he’s accepted the invite Jake: thank you so much [[Jake gets in elevator]]] commercial break [[Jake knocks on the door, Slayer opens it]] Jake attacks Slayer and throws him through the glass shower door and picks him up flings him over the bed, hits Slayer with the lamp. Then drags him to the outside balcony of his room on the 26th floor of this Marriott hotel. Jake has Slayer’s head over the railing Jake: I do not care anymore do you hear me!!!!! You got a week you fuckin slime Jake then releases Slayer Jake walks out the hotel room but before he leaves he puts the “Do Not Disturb” hanger on the doorknob.
Tag Team Match M5: Golden Bryce & Jacques Dudley defeats Jordan Oliver & Kotto Brazil (The Set)
6 Rings onto Kotto for the 630 splash and both Jacques and Bryce together pin Kotto for the 1-2-3
Golden Bryce gets on the turnbuckle and slaps his chest intensely as the show comes to an end