Friday Night Pyro (August 7th 2020) All Man sprays The Set with MILK TRUCK
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro
Date: August 7th, 2020
Episode: 438
Channel: VICE TV @ 10PM EST

- XPWEW International Champion Jake Awesome enters the ring accompanied by Siaka Lexoni, Chrissy Rivera, XPWEW Tag Team Champs Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil & XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver of The Set (GG is already in the ring. this show gets the match going right out the gate.)
1 on 1
M1: Jake Awesome (w/ Lexoni, Rivera, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver) def. GG

- After the match: Jake Awesome addresses "Ruckus is not here tonight because he's relocating a home for himself and his family after that breathing, walking, sweating secriment bag of trash Leonard McGraw thought it right to burn his home down on national television. My goal has ALWAYS been to rid McGraw from XPWEW and now he's crossed the line with me! he's crossed the line with The Set and now we will eradicate Leoanrd McGraw from this mortal plane, I would take blissful pleasure in squeezing the life out of that...
*a red and white truck enters the stage-way and in the front seat is The All Woman: Tenille Dashwood who pulls up and even bumps the ring as she drives into it, The Set (except Ruckus who isn't here tonight) just stare blankly, Tenille honks the horn and then, All Man jumps out of the back of the truck with a water hose that is spritzing milk. YES! All Man is spraying The Set with a MILK TRUCK right now on Friday Night Pyro! WHAT A MOMENT!!! Jake is soaked, Chrissy Rivera behind him avoiding the milk splash, Kotto and Myron are using their tag team titles as shields from the milk and Jordan Oliver and Siaka are sliding and slipping around, All Woman starts to grab cartons of milk from the crate inside the truck and fling them with speed at Jake and Rivera. After a full minute of non stop spraying; All Man stops to point at the Heatwave logo on the screen to signal a match between him and Jake at the upcoming pay-per-view in just 9 days. Unbelievable! What a perfect segment that obviously took heavy inspiration from the Kurt Angle 2001 segment with The Alliance.

In ring segment: Mandy Leon along with her client Simon Gotch introduce their friend "The Maestro" Drama King (Formerly known as Aiden English in WWE)
Drama King enters and just like that they will be known as Drama King & Simon Gotch "The Maestro Marauders"

Tag Team Match
M2: Simon Gotch & Drama King (w/ Mandy Leon) def. 3M3 (3M Ultra & M3 Quintillo)

Backstage segment: Ms. Case Your Luck Lotus is talking to herself looking into a mirror and in a glance she sees a vision of 'Rosemary' haunting her "The devil went down to Heatwave, and she was looking for a briefcase to steal ahahahahahahaha" (very eerie)

- Jake "The Man Scout" Manning enters - Champagne Clausen blindsides him during his entrance and bloodies his nose
1 on 1
M3: Champagne Clausen def. Jake "The Man Scout" Manning
After the match - Champagne presses the microphone up to Jake Manning's mouth "Say I'm the best" ...."your" 'SAY IT!" "you're the best"
Champagne: Exactly! I am a former world heavyweight champion. Now last week I was rudely interrupted by a promo of a ....
[El Demonio promo airs] *lights go black* *El Demonio appears in the ring and kicks the mic out of Champagne's hand*
*Champagne goes to clothesline Demonio and misses to which Demonio kicks him and then attempts to grab him but Champagne ducks out of the ring and mocks Demonio* and over commentary Kaitlyn Khaos says it is official these two will go 1 on 1 at Heatwave next Sunday!
Backstage Interview: James Westerbeck is with Garrett Thompson, GT: I know Leonard McGraw very very well, and tonight I'm going to permanently crease his face. Bedlam bucks up at James Westerbeck and laughs when he flinches.

Pre-recorded segment: Joe Gacy and Audrey Carbine of the death machines are told by the psychologist to say something nice about the other (Death machine)
Joe Gacy: Something nice? Audrey, you are an overbearing bitch...
Audrey: Hmm, Joe..your breath stinks and you're fat and you are the living breathing human incarnation of shit
Psychologist: Ok ok ok let's try a different exercise. Joe I would like you to gift Audrey and Audrey I would like you to return the favor? If you could present a gift, what would that be?...Audrey for example you could buy Joe a toothbrush and Joe you could give Audrey um a Snickers bar, perhaps
Audrey: I got a gift, how about in 9 days at XPWEW Heatwave. I gift you the ass-kicking that I've been holding back for the past few months...
Joe: How about I give you the idea..of making that match, A Ring of Fire match......(camera pans to a 3rd chair in the corner)
Troy Clausen: I'll allow it!

- XPWEW Women's Champion Priscilla Kelly joins commentary with Khaos & Nick Simmonds

Tag Team Match
M4: Doxy Deity & Thunder Rosa def. Kiera Hogan & Genevalisse

After the match, Doxy calls Priscilla a "lazy champion" so I'll make a challenge to any woman in the world to face me, because I'm the REAL measuring stick in women's professional wrestling today
- Tessa Blanchard enters
Tessa Blanchard: Doxy, I don't even know who you are and Priscilla you are nothing more than a woman who is overhype and overrated. I'm the best women's wrestler in the world and I'll show Thunder Rosa a thing or two next week when I make my debut. But news flash, ladies the women's division just got better. Because I am Tessa Blanchard and I am undeniable...FOREVER and at Heatwave. I'm the new XPWEW Women's Champion, so stand in my way. I dare you

1 on 1
M5: Myron Reed (w/ Kotto Brazil) def. Alveno La Flare (w/ Golden Bryce)

- Brian Lee enters
- Romeo Roselli enters

1 on 1
M6: Romeo Roselli (CYL) def. 911 Brian Lee
- Garrett Thompson enters
- Leonard McGraw enters

1 on 1
M7: Leonard McGraw def. Garrett Thompson

After the match a man in a black hoodie that appears to be Ruckus comes out to blindside, McGraw but McGraw snatches him and un-hoods him to be some no-name guy who looks somewhat like Ruckus, but that distraction has McGraw looking at the screen to Ruckus who is in Texas outside McGraw's house with his fiance Ryu inside the home, Ruckus threatens to go inside but says I could be a coward like you a burn this mother****** down right now while you are miles away but I'm a man, I'm gonna wait until you come home. So next week, stay home. and don't call 911 like a coward. Because I'm gonna walk into your home next week on this show and MAKE IT MY HOME. See you next week pimpin...... Show ends with McGraw staring at the tron as Ruckus lurks around McGraw's home miles away in Texas with his fiance Ryu presumably inside