Friday Night Pyro (August 28th, 2020)
Show kicks off without missing a beat, XPWEW World Heavyweight Champion Leonard McGraw stomps to the ring to The Set already in the ring consisting of XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver with Former XPWEW Tag Team Champs Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil with Chrissy Rivera behind them.
Leonard McGraw enters and then Mr. Case Your Luck Romeo Roselli makes his grandiose entrance to the ring, Kaitlyn Khaos points out that despite Leonard and Romeo being partners in this 2 on 3 melee tonight, Romeo does possess the CYL briefcase that he won at All Or Nothing last July, and that by proxy means that World Champion Leonard McGraw should be weary that they may be partners tonight but might be adversaries in the distant future. So throughout the course of the match Leonard is not very chummy with Romeo as they tag here tonight against The Set.
2 vs 3 Melee Tag Team Match
M1: Leonard McGraw (c) & Romeo Roselli def. Jordan Oliver, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil (w/ Chrissy Rivera)
- The fall occurs when Romeo hits a superkick from a springboard attempt from Myron Reed where he pins Reed for the fall, McGraw sizes up Romeo like he is about to connect a clothesline but the camera doesn't catch a creeping up Jordan Oliver, the camera quickly shifts and Leonard springs to clothesline Jordan out of his shoes. Romeo turns around in the nick of time just enough to sell the moment that Leonard may have been thinking of attacking him from behind because of Leonard's known 'DTA' (Don't Trust Anybody) mentality. Romeo picks up a microphone from the corner.
Romeo: Leonard, I'm not stupid. To you I might dress stupid, I might look stupid, I might even sound un-intelligent but I'm not, I know that I am indeed Mister Case Your Luck! I know that anytime within the next 331 days, I could cash this in on you right now, and I see you huffing and puffing gaspin for air, I'd take you with ease
Leonard: (slowly grabs mic from Romeo) LEONARD TACKLES ROMEO TO THE GROUND AND ATTACKS HIM and Leonard starts striking Romeo with a flurry of fists over and over, until Romeo Roselli rolls out of the ring, Leonard kicks his briefcase out of the ring.
- General Manager Troy Clausen enters
Troy: Romeo, didn't you used to re-store the order around here, You two don't get along but you damn sure are gonna get along next week because next week it's gonna be Leonard McGraw and Romeo Roselli versus The Marauder Simon Gotch & The Drama King Aiden English!
Commentary Desk: Masato Tanaka joins the desk with Kaitlyn Khaos & Nick Simmonds and speaks that he wants to win the XPWEW World Title again and he knows he has a record of 3-8 but he's calling out Jacques Dudley next week who doesn't have the best record either; "Let's both get a W brother, may the best man win"
Tag Team Match
M2: The Marauder Simon Gotch & Drama King Aiden English (w/ Mandy Leon) def. Jake "Man Scout" Manning & Bully Jaxon
Backstage segment: Doxy Deity reveals that her 'career strategist' is Romeo Roselli... I guess Romeo has a manager and so does Doxy
1 on 1
M3: Doxy Deity (w/ Romeo Roselli) def. Kiera Hogan
Tag Team Match
M4: Champagne Clausen & Garrett Thompson def. Based Fabian & GG (w/ Genevalisse)
Backstage Segment: Giannis Antetokounmpo is hyping himself up with a few of his Milwaukee Bucks teammates, Says he is a real International Champion and Says He's gonna treat Jake Awesome just like his favorite basketball team Orlando Magic (Tampa is only a hour from Orlando, so)
NEXT WEEK! Joe Gacy vs El Demonio has 'World Title Shot' implications
Recap: Ring of Fire match between Gacy and Carbine, James Westerbeck shows a mini-documentary video of the burns Carbine suffered at Heatwave 2 Sundays ago. Audrey Carbine says she understands what she got into and she actually respects Death Machine Joe Gacy even more for it. (How does burning your tag team partner help the tag team???)
Vignette: Olivia Whitewater [Current ABA Champion] coming soon
Backstage: New XPWEW Women's Champion: Tessa Blanchard speaking directly into the camera, "When I entered XPWEW the culture immediately changed, and things are gonna change around here and as for Lotus, I suggest your watch yourself freak, because I got eyes in the back of my head"
Tag Team Match
M5: Ruckus & Siaka Lexoni (w/ Chrissy Rivera) def. 3M3 (3M Ultra & M3 Quintillo)
Nick Simmonds: "Are the greatest tag team (Lexoni/Ruckus) on their way back up the mountain?
- Golden Bryce & Alveno La Flare come out and go back and forth on the mic saying they beat "their boys" at Heatwave (referring to Kotto & Myron)
1 on 1
M6: Alveno La Flare (w/ Golden Bryce) def. Ethan Bedlam
- Jake Awesome enters with Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed, Kotto Brazil & Jordan Oliver (THE SET)
- Giannis Antetokounmpo enters with a few Milwaukee Buck players and staff members (also Troy Clausen, Micheal Bradford for some reason)
6 foot 9 versus 6 foot 9
XPWEW International Championship on the line
1 on 1
M7: Giannis Antetokounmp def. Jake Awesome (c) when Giannis connects with a samoan drop; The match is very campy as most celebrity crossovers are but it's must watch tv regardless, After Giannis connects the big drop, Jake rolls out of the ring and Referee Kevin Madrox counts to 10 and Giannis Antetokounmp wins by countout but the title does not change hands, Jake Awesome gets last minute heat by saying "Lakers in 4"
Giannis ignores Jake and The Set and instead celebrates his...countout victory
Show Ends