Show: XPWEW Friday Night Pyro
Date: November 20th, 2020
Episode: 453
Channel: VICE Network @ 10 PM Eastern Standard Time / 7PM Pacific Time
* Pyro Opening Montage*
Pyrotechnics explode at the ramp across the stage set. We are welcomed by the XPWEW Friday Night Pyro commentary desk with the beautiful and dignified Kaitlyn Khaos as well as always the living legend Nick Simmonds. Kaitlyn Khaos informs us that they will be speaking on the phone on live television at some point tonight from Masato Tanaka's medical spеcialist to confirm if he will be 100% and eligiblе to perform against The Set on behalf of Team Bryce. As we know currently El Demonio returned and will be reserving that spot as a replacement for Tanaka in case he can not make it to the event. So as it stands right now Team Bryce consists of the XPWEW Tag Team Champions Golden Bryce, Alveno La Flare, We know that Masato Tanaka is probably but El Demonio has stepped in and after being fired from ABA "Awesome Bomb Academy", being ostracized from his training camp, The Chairman Troy Clausen hired Coby Caprice to a trial basis XPWEW contract and Golden Bryce is taking a chance on the kid, Big match, biggest match of his career Coby Caprice will be on Team Bryce.
TONIGHT! Jake Awesome is angry we know that, he's been breaking microphones and racking up thousands of dollars in fines. The Gatekeeper found himself trapped at the end of a Net Gun from the hand of our current World Champion Leonard McGraw y'know he's not a happy camper....(The Set's music begins) Well I guess we are going to get some answers from The Gatekeeper right now!
< The Set enters the ring: Jake Awesome, Ruckus, Siaka Lexoni, Jordan Oliver, Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil ?
Jake: I'm 31 years old. (The Set claps, Jordan Oliver puts a birthday hat on Jake and they take a corny selfie) Jake: thanks, I love you guys. I do.
Jake: Leonard McGraw is 28, granted he looks 48 but believe it or not I'm the eldest between us. Believe it or not I sometimes forget just how long I've been around. I was 16 when I first got inside a ring, I was 17 when I started taking my first bumps and by 18 I was a Tag Team Champion with my Dad and Jordan, Myron and Kotto. I consider you boys to be like my own children and maybe someday we'll win the tag team titles together. By 19 I was a bonafide star of this company and rebranded the entire wrestling industry in my image. I listened to the insufferable Jim Cornettes of the world tell me that I was "a cow on ice" inside the ring, that I would never make it to the WWE with my abilities. Well Jim, The WWE has begged for me and I said no. I didn't sell out to anybody. I may have changed my values but I got over on my own and I stayed over on my own and now I look around at the world of professional wrestling in the year 2020 and I see Jake Awesome everywhere. I see every major talent doing the same things I was chastised for doing back in 07' and that's fine. I changed the infrastructure of this business and I didn't have to fly to Stamford to do it. And I admit the last year I took my eye off the ball but I did it for my friends, I did it for The Set. That's why Ruckus won the Xtreme Rumble and won the world title in the main event of Lockdown. That's why Jordan Oliver has been Juniorweight Champion for 450 days running that's why Chrissy, Myron and Kotto will be future world champions, the path will always run through me. It always has and it always will however while I was building another empire, I simply allowed Leonard McGraw to succeed. Leonard, you are a paper champion to me. Because until you defend that title against Jake Awesome. You are nothing. I am the gatekeeper and come Sunday, I will take back my throne. Count you days McGraw < The Set attempts to exit the ring >
< Golden Bryce, Alveno La Flare, El Demonio & Coby Caprice enter >
< Bryce makes a babyface speech speaking directly into the camera practically begging Tanaka a speedy recovery and urges Jacques Dudley to return and get his rightful revenge on The Set and especially the Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver >
< Siaka Lexoni says Bryce is a failure, Alveno is a clown, El Demonio is a fluke and Coby Caprice...who? >
Ruckus: Siaka, I remember him that's Colby Jack, Colby Cheese Caprice. I beat you within an inch of your life boy, Frankly I implore the fans at home to save their money and they should reconsider buying a pay-per-view event in which a scrub like Coby Caprice has a main event match.
Coby: Ruckus, you ever understood the story of the underdog, Coby goes on an endless rant almost until Jake Awesome speaks up and tells him to shut up "Hey, monkeys in the trunk cut off this scrubs mic.
Bryce: Bryce says if Team Bryce defeats The Set at Battlefield on Sunday then The Set must disband
Jake: Bryce, You know me. 4 times you stepped in my ring and 4 times you walked out crying. I insist you turn around, back to your son Stefon, your little wife Jocelyn. Go back to your mediocre life. Because if THE SET wins, We get a shot at those Tag Team Titles ASAP
Alveno: You're on (Bryce looks unsure of himself)
Bryce: You got it!
- XPWEW BATTLEFIELD AD (November 22nd, 2020) Order it now only on FITE TV app available on Apple TV, Roku, Firestick & more
- Genevalisse enters
- XPWEW Women's Champion Lotus enters
[Recap video package of the announcement of a 5 on 5 elimination team match as the gals of XPWEW will take on Bea Priestley and Jamie's Hayter's band of female wrestlers from Stardom will do battle this Sunday at Battlefield.]
- Stardom's Bea Priestley and Jamie Hayter join commentary and they are absolutely hilarious together, mostly when they goof on Nick Simmonds at the desk while he is trying to call the match as serious as possible
1 on 1 [Non-Title Match]
M1: Lotus (c) def. Genevalisse
Post Match: Stardom girls (comes down and circles the ring around Lotus but the XPWEW girls come out and even the odds)
Ultimately: Doxy Deity comes out with Tito Santana lagging behind
Doxy: Lotus, the web you weave will soon wrap around you like a vice grip and you only have 48 hours left as champion. Enjoy it ya charity case ahahahahah (Tito does Razor Ramon fingers)
LIVE CALL: Nick Simmonds speaks on the phone with the doctor of Masato Tanaka following his attack from The Set last week, will he make it to's such an awkward segment LOL but ultimately we come to the conclusion that Tanaka should not compete but he will be there in an arm sling, hell or high water. Despite doctor's orders. Tanaka will be on Team Bryce for Battlefield as they take on The Set!!!
Tonight: Kaitlyn Khaos says its been signed! Leonard McGraw will defend the XPWEW World Title tonight against Garrett Thompson in a rematch from their Appalachia encounter last month, GT gets a proverbial "Last Chance" match tonight and the main event! 1/2 of the XPWEW Tag Team Champs Golden Bryce will return to action as he takes on Siaka Lexoni!
- El Demonio enters
- Coby Caprice enters with Alveno La Flare
- The Set's Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil enter along with XPWEW Juniorweight Champion Jordan Oliver and Chrissy Rivera
Tag Team Match
M2: Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil (w/ Jordan Oliver & Chrissy Rivera) def. "Team Bryce" El Demonio & Coby Caprice (w/ Alveno La Flare)
*Match results when a double team move connects on Demonio and Coby can't break the count in time and The Set win this contest as they gather all the momentum before The Set vs Team Bryce in a 5 on 5 elimination match!
Nick Simmonds: The Set! Ruckus, Siaka Lexoni, Jordan Oliver, Myron Reed & Kotto Brazil will be taking on Team Bryce which consists of Golden Bryce, Alveno La Flare, El Demonio, Coby Caprice & despite doctor's orders Masato Tanaka will be in action after The Set attempted to take him out last week, but he's gonna still compete anyway despite medical reasoning, is it smart on Tanaka's behalf, we'll see!
Backstage: XPWEW correspondent Larry Legend is in the locker room of Leonard McGraw.
Larry Legend: Leonard the biggest match of your career is Sunday as you defend the XPWEW World Heavyweight Title against "The Gatekeeper" Jake Awesome, what is your emotion going in?
Leonard McGraw: My emotion going in? Hell I've got plenty emotion Larry, Hell I was ANNOYED you barged in barking and hollering in my locker room, I was PISSED you sat down and made your scrawny ass comfortable and I was HOTTER THAN A SUM BITCH you felt the need to ask such a stupid question, But I'm a nice guy I'll answer ya,, Hell I don't know, where are Jake Awesomes emotions? huh did you ask him that? Was his emotion EMBARRASSED he got trapped with a net gun last week, was his emotion ASHAMED that he feels the need he can't stand on his own two feet anymore he's gotta have little do-bots like Marion Reed and Koko Brazil following him around doing all his laundry and shit. It think he should be HUMILIATED he has to stick to a group nowadays, He says all this shit like he's the champion Hell he ain't been world champion of this company since my ass started climbing up the card. I think Jake Awesome needs to look into a mirror and realize he ain't what he used to be. I think Jake Awesome is WORRIED, I think his emotions are UNEASY, I think Jake Awesome is flat out resting on his goddamn laurels. You don't allow shit, I earned this title. I earned the right to be world champion and if he's the goddamn gatekeeper where thats some funny shit cause this belt is the keys and I'll open that goddamn gate any time I please. So Jake Awesome round up your kids, hug your wife. Because you ain't the man like you were when I use to watch this program, but I'm the world champion and Sunday you will have no other excuse. Your the one on borrowed time old man, not me. Thank you for your time Larry, your a nice fella I don't care what anybody says
*Leonard shakes Larry's hand*
Larry Legend: That was XPWEW World Champ Leonard McGraw, Kaitlyn Khaos and Nick back to you at ringside!!
- 3M3 enters (but all commentary talks about during their entrance is Leonard's amazing promo against Jake that we just witnessed, We are getting a very focused Leonard McGraw on Sunday)
- The Vaudevillains enter with Mandy Leon
Tag Team Match
M3: The Vaudevillains (w/ Mandy Leon) def. 3M3
After the match The Briscoe Brothers Jay and Mark bring out a real live bear, (with a professional bear handler) and introduce The Marauder Simon Gotch and The Drama King Aiden English just exactly on who they have to face if they can’t beat them at Battlefield (I call him Pooky)
Mark: Boys, This here is Pooky. She's a friendly bear but she won't be too friendly if you can't beat us on Sunday.
Jay: Oh yeah this might not be Pooky's last appearance on Friday Night Pyro but all I can say is come correct on the Battlefield Sunday and save yourself from getting mauled, Vice TV better let their sponsors know it could get scary next week, Simon we might even have a funeral for your ass next boy! Be safe!
< Vaudevillains English and Gotch aggressively hop around in anger inside the ring while Mandy Leon attempts to calm them down>
< The Briscoe Brothers laugh and pet Pooky the bear as we fade to black for commercial >
- Garrett Thompson enters
- XPWEW World Champ Leonard McGraw enters (Backstage The Set is watching on a monitor with Jake Awesome staring intently at the monitor)
1 on 1
XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship on the line
Appalachia Rematch
M4: Leonard McGraw (c) def. Garrett Thompson
- and after the match Leonard mouths off incoherently at the camera while walking up the ramp, he's ready for The Gatekeeper this Sunday
Backstage: Champagne Clausen knocks on Troy Clausen's door
Troy: Come in...Oh .....what do you want
Champagne: Well I mean, Garrett just lost his second opportunity for the title and you know I've noticed I was a lot higher on the card when I was champ
Troy: Yeah that's how it works
Champagne: I was a ratings draw and I've looked, the ratings have severely dropped since Leonard McGraw has became world champion and I deserve a shot
Troy: Curtis,,I just....I think people responded to your title reign a lot more once All Man took it off ya, to be quite frankly. I give opportunities okay it's what I do
Champagne: What about Jacques Dudley
Troy: Did I say I make mistakes, Of Course and that is water under the bridge, I would love Jacques to return
Champagne: Oh how you've changed, This position has changed you, and for the worse. I'm glad you disowned me because we're nothing alike. I'm calling the shots and at Battlefield if I beat Garrett Thompson. It's gonna be my turn next.
Troy: First off. I make the decisions around here pal. You and Garrett at the pay-per-view sure, but you are going to need to win a few more matches to get title attention
Champagne: Like I said. It's gonna be my turn next..or heads are gonna roll
- Champagne exits Troy's office
- Siaka Lexoni enters with Ruckus (Ruckus joins commentary and the internet loves everytime Ruckus and Nick Simmonds interact)
- Golden Bryce enters (1/2 of the XPWEW Tag Team Champions)
1 on 1
M5: Siaka Lexoni def. Golden Bryce < during the match Jacques Dudley's theme song blares and Bryce gets excited that his begging of Jacques to join Team Bryce must've came true, the music continues to play long enough for Jordan Oliver to come out from behind, Myron picks up Bryce's legs, Jordan hits his own 'Clout Cutter' but its a 3D! A Dudley Boyz inspired 3D from Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver! It was a fake theme music decoy by THE SET!
< Ruckus is laughing hysterically on commentary that Bryce fell for the decoy of Jacques music playing >
"G-Baby done fell for the oldest trick in the book hahahahaha dumb ass"
< Siaka hits the triple beam kick and Bryce is out for the 1-2-3! Siaka defeats Bryce!!! >
< Siaka gets hoisted up by Ruckus, Jordan, Myron, Chrissy and Kotto beats his chest in celebration as the show closes with The Set yet again getting one over on Golden Bryce as the show fades to black >