Friday Night Pyro June 17th 2021
- The Set are gonna observe Juneteenth tomorrow, but they won't be here. The Set quits XPWEW.
(XPWEW Juniorweight Champion: Ruckus, Siaka Lexoni, Alveno La Flare, Chrissy Rivera, Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver & Kotto Brazil)
- last week they disposed of Jake Awesome after he "turned on his OG" so they preemptively got rid of "The Mammoth"

Ruckus wants one more match with Golden Bryce before he goes

M1: Exodus (w/ Death Machines) def. Garrett Thompson (w/ Saints Row and Champagne Clausen)

After the match Exodus squeezes Champagne's hand until he grants him his International Championship re-match. Champagne grants it

M2: The Vaudevillains (w/ Champagne) def. 3M3
- The Vaudevillans want The Briscoes at The Devil's Playhouse PPV

M3: Jay Briscoe def. Champagne Clausen by DQ
- Champagne uses Kaitlyn Khaos as a shield from Exodus after the match, Kaitlyn Khaos kicks Exodus in the groin and grossly makes out with Champagne, KAITLYN KHAOS HEEL TURN

- Romeo is getting fed grapes by All Trans - The Set says Pyro has went to **** with Romeo Roselli as the world champion

- Romeo Roselli and Tenille Dashwood join commentary
Main Event
M4: Golden Bryce def. Ruckus (w/ The Set)

Jake Awesome comes out to fend for Bryce when things with The Set start to get outnumbered.
Jake and Golden Bryce shake hands. this is a 3 year build thing too so that was a big deal.

Ruckus and Lexoni shut the fans up saying they are GONE and they are OUT of XPWEW -