Rucka Rucka Ali
Queen of the Plants
In the city
Where Elvis used to have his way with minors
Lived a girl whose every sleeping hour filled itself with nightmares
In daylight she'd research every sexual assault that was ignored by the police who thought better to avoid it
She could have had the life perfect tens are often handed but her beauty brought her trouble
Now she only wanted answers
She'd astroturf at home
Othеr than her plants
She lived alonе with just her poodle and the ghost of her attacker
He told her he'd return if she reported but she did and she was told it never happened and the evidence was hidden
She lived in purgatory seven years til he was caught
And that's when everyone she thought that she could trust would cut her off and leave her
Left to her own devices
By cops who won't investigate without an image crisis
Tokenized by media
Nonprofits weren't better
Gaslit by the philanthropists who claimed to represent her
Standing at the center of attention of the blind
Deaf ears to her message
Dimensions of a crime
Transcending a conspiracy
Worse than any con, it's a pandemic of evasion
She's cast to Midian
A biblical betrayal
Castigated le'olam
But like Deborah the prophetess she raised up her own arm
The conviction of a Hitchens
Gibson in medieval Scotland
Once she figured out the truth, to her there was no other option
It's her against the world
And that's a concept I'm familiar with
Walking with her, she could feel the plant life in the park
Said that I'm the only man at whom her dog had never barked
Hours in her living room
Laughing at the marks
And all the charlatans online
We had each other to confide in
She finally trusts somebody
And I felt right with her beside me
She's used to everybody patronizing
But I wanted none of that
And if I ever raised a problem she would cry and she said
How about we talk every day
I'll clean for you every day
Scape for you every day
I'll make sure to always
That's not really what I'm looking for
She called me a troubadour
Every word I say is like a song
She's Queen of the Plants
The plants need dark with a fresh cut
When torn
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
She was torn from the ground

You're very sweet when you want to be, she told me
Though I have a lot of faults
Being too nice is not one of them
She got the truth even when I'm silent there beside her
What I thought and what I wanted
We knew that I couldn't hide it
Spending hours watching people we could laugh at with each other
And when she would be lighthearted's when I want to be inside her
She had tried to quit antidepressants but it's very painful
I was triggered when she smoked up
I had some growing up to do
Focused less on who she is
And more what I could make her
I wondered if she'd notice me if she was never raped
I said
You seem selective who you let into your bed
She said
That's an understatement
And I like being special
I see beauty in the peak of things
Art inspires but is cheapening
It marks a finite object as embodiment of something that should only be inside us
Artists are the closest thing to gods and also janitors that everybody wants around but treats like they're the very garbage that they clean up
And they're right about it
I know what I want and we would fight about it
In my Platonic world, everything is perfect
I step into her world, every minute's nervous
Everywhere is dangerous
I liked her as my house guest
She noticed every succulent growing in Los Angeles
Things I never noticed
She couldn't live without
She started putting plants in every corner of my house
Kneeling on the floor
Operating with her hands
She was sure to save the life of a cactus I abandoned
She rescued elegans
Stole aloe from the yard
Some jades that a nursery was planning to discard
There was one we never entered
She noticed that the sign said it's owned by a brother of the woman who had lied to the victims and exploited them
Speaking in their name
The Queen's Arch Nemesis
Orphan of Jayne
Press conferences in costume
Television rape scenes
She told me her perspective on walks she would take me
I'm the only one that ever heard when she'd speak
I'm the one she showed
Every shrub, every tree
Plant life is her life
Glowing in the sun
She's the purest thing I had and if we ever had a son
I would tell him
Find someone to look at you like the Queen looks at wreckage on the beach of Malibu
Forest fires leave a charred wood resting on the coast
Like a violated girl now living with a ghost
Fires when controlled bring safety to the coast
Like a trial lawyer girl who keeps her lover man close
How about we talk every day
I'll clean for you every day
Scape for you every day
I'll make sure to always
That's not really what I'm looking for
She called me a troubadour
Every word I say is like a song
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
When torn
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
She was torn from the ground

We never said goodbye
I was planning on it
We both had our own paths and they were turning
The days passed
Weeks became a summer
Silence is the sound of devaluing one another
I received a wake up call and made a change of plans
She was aggravated at some bitch who writes for The Atlantic
Different strategies for handling when someone does us wrong
She's stronger
I'm younger
I still believe in magic
When the narrative we had is shattered over which we bonded
Then what happens when I'm ready to move on and go beyond it?
Almost burned a bridge she encouraged me to blaze
Opportunities I missed
This is not the way I raised me
Our final days were the dates he returns
Though he's locked away forever, every May he's with her
If demons exist then billions reside at her place since the day she was plagued by the curse
Her pain made worse, every news and event
Every Google alert
Her poodle could sense I was leaving and probably for good
It stayed by the table upset
It was always a friend
I made my amends
If anyone claims that I paid no respect in the life that I lived
I'd say they all sat on the fence and evaded
The suit-wearing pigs of this animal circus
If this could be fixed, what would be her purpose?
Her work is her world since her world was throttled
She's got all the dirt that hurts on everyone
Dominique Francon but never finished the novel
I left a bottle for the buyer on my way out of the town that had astounded me with actresses and models
None of them could ever play her part
They're all drops in the process of watering a dryad down
I put the plants on my passenger mat for the travel
We had a bad car crash but we're sound
Sometimes I think about her
A girl of true character
A spirit first-handed
Societal rattle
Her nights are still addled
In daylight she'll march on quicksand where lesser men before her had drowned
She'll fight her uphill battle until justice is about or 'til the day when she rejoins all
Her plants in the ground
How about we talk every day
I'll clean for you every day
I'll scape for you every day
I'll make sure to always
But that's not really what I'm looking for
She called me a troubadour
Every word I say is like a song
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
When torn
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
She said to me
How about we talk every day
I'll clean for you every day
I'll scape for you every day
I'll make sure to always
That's not really what I'm looking for
She called me a troubadour
Every word I say is like a song
She's Queen of the Plants
Plants need dark with a fresh cut
When torn
She's Queen of the Plants
The plants