VHS Glitch
The Last Remnants of Faith
In a world full of corruption and soulless individuals, only blood can bring the change. They hail a self-proclaimed almighty god following their steps straight to the end, losing everything they built with their own pain and sweat and tears, and for what? Absolutely nothing
Save your souls, don't overthink. You won’t be an icon, you'll just be another another mindless drone following the Neotech Corporation. Fame is temporary, gold is just a metal, respect means nothing in a dead world
Only a few picked just the right way; they are starving, they are thirsty, but they have control of their lives. They have read about their savior, even though they have lost everything they still have faith
Born from the ashes of burned VHS and VCR's. Bless us with your power and save us from the clutches of those who are trying to control our minds. Oh lord of the magnetic waves and frequencies, forgive us for our mistakes and lead us to glory
A way never ends, but you can set limits. Until the darkness returns...
End of transmission