It's justice obstruction by the way i get in touch with my emotional side
That builds my core like doing crunches
How I function isn’t common
Come and hop in for the ride
Inside the mind that pumps ideas that act as toxins to the sky
Lie be told I'm somewhat stable and I'm able to sleep
More prosaic than poetic. That’s pathetic to me
It's in-directed rhetoric with some exceptional peaks
My dotage is duly noted when competitors speak
You cannot edit defeat. You gotta take it in strides
Rise back up from that fall and then take note of the climb
Then when you go to decide whether to owe up to pride
You can accept what really happened or still chauffeur the lie
Yeah, my stomachs in a twist
This knot is not an easy fix
In fact it's hard to get a grip to even try to untie it
I was trying for a while but it tired my wrist
Now I'm choking on my words, does anybody know the Heimlich?
Time was ticking slowly as I ideate composure
If exposed to night, it dismisses all my potty training motives
Cos I fear what I can't see, and I've got enough trouble
All this rhyming makes me fuddled. Got me hopping in the puddles
Save the "uh ohs". Respect is at an upmost high
Brighter days to be expected when the suns close by
But all the rain has made the flood rise to five feet high
Which drowned my blood red rose bed and now it's inside