Deep on a high road,
Looking for how far im going,
Long pauses fucking up my actions,
Long pauses messing up my verses,
Long pauses always has a place for my ex,
Tryna tell u things but u. never ask,
Ask me how i feel/ with my issues how I deal,
Smiling back nodding nothing/ is enough,
Same back to u/ i know that u. hiding facts,
In this age/ this case/ nothing seems to make us relax,
I suffer a lot/ till 4am from 12,
counted hunnad sheeps/ I lost sleep,
I Gone deep/ in dirty sheets,
Internal bleeds/ it's hard to breath,
Take a look under my sleeves,
Lines drawn green,
Like that tale by john green,
Im 19/ one year/ imma miss being on.e/ of a slow teen,
My parents/ my brothers/ my cat,
Ain't really ex.pecting me/ to act,
I assure u i'll blast,
late in my twenties/ I might be married,
In.depen.dent reminis.cing/ phases I've carried,
Im being a random/ being a diffe.rent,
screamin from the terrace/
Fe.ar of poverty's haunting us,
Doubt anxiety/ n madness terror us,
But U ain't listening,
No one's listening,
U ain't often checking in,
Self-freedom is lacking tho,
Im locking the past door/
I don't need u in again,
Im doing something/
a private something,
Im growing old now,
No need to know how,
Ur missing ur chances now,
Keep provoking/
Next thing/ you'll find me self-chocking,
Not even joking,
My heart's not broken,
Behaviors are soften,
I ain't living on any human favors,
Girls and fame/ it's happening,
Going the devil way,
turning around im thinking okay?,
The world/ don't want me thinking,
The world/ wants me to. be,
Ignoring the fact that I'm sinking,
The world is tempting/ me with reality I'm faking,
The world don't care about religion,
Who cares after I die if I go/ to hell or heaven,
Don't get closer to stuff n don't touch/ money is their only concern,
My one concern/ is don't do any of these near me,
And if y'all continue through this,
I don't want y'all to be grieving beside me,
I want to at least R.I.Peace,
When the lights shut off and it's my turn
To settle down, my main concern
Promise that you will sing about me
Promise that you will sing about me
I said when the lights shut off and it's my turn
To settle down, my main concern
Promise that you will sing about me
Promise that you will sing about me
Promise that you'll sing about me forever
Promise that you'll sing about me for— ooooh
Promise that you'll sing about me forever
Promise that you'll sing about me for— ooooh
Promise that you'll sing about me forever
Promise that you'll sing about me for— ooooh