Lana Del Rey
Shrouded in secrecy, reason itself’s been conquered
Commandeered by scythes of ruling-class muddle
Aristocratic values purport to defend the encumbered
Economists, psychologists, search men befuddled

Isn’t it fragile?
All social security numbers just leaked today
Isn’t it fragile?
What hope do we have to hold onto yet?
If the evils of men are everywhere
If the century is nighttime
As God stays dead

Moses pull the curtain back
Reason is God
And God is a woman
An ethic of moderation, stability, order
Isn’t it just beauty?
What has all your ugliness sired?
Isn’t it just nurture?
What does all unclarity father?

Shrouded in nuance, the soul itself’s a quagmire
All but near a sigh of self-understanding
Tribalistic values purport to uphold the individual
Acquisitive systems say yes to chicas upstanding
Isn’t it a miracle?
I read all evil in the news as signs End Times is here
Isn’t it a miracle?
What hope do we have to hold onto yet?
If the evils of men are everywhere
If the century is nighttime
If God stays dead

Moses pull the curtain back
Reason is God
And God is a woman
An ethic of moderation, stability, order
Isn’t it just beauty?
What have all your sins sired?
Isn’t it just self-respect?
What does all ecstasy father?

Drugs, suck it up
Reason tastes like Pepsi-Cola
Don’t treat God rough
Karmic patterns keep the pep up
Decorate Christ’s neck
Keep the Second Coming really happy
Why, come on, come on

Karma is psychology
Karma is psychology
Karma is psychology
Oh, oh, yeah
(Apollo’s in the sky with diamonds and She’s making you crazy…)
(All She wants to do is party with her lazy hazies…)

God Herself is bound by order
Finite, clear, and knowable yet
What looks like snake is a rope to hang men
Dynamite, the Mayans were right, bet

“December 21, 2012. A date which will live in infamy.”
“On December 21, 2012, a song by Lana Del Rey titled ‘Dynamite’ leaked to the internet…”

Come on come on
Come on, baby!

Moses pull the curtain back
Reason is God
And God is a woman
An ethic of moderation, stability, order
Isn’t it just the spirit of Mom?
What has Daddy’s dissolution sired?
Isn’t it just dehumanization?
What does all dysrhythmia father?

Moses pull the curtain back
Reason is God
And God is a woman
An ethic of chaos, drunkenness, prima unities
Isn’t it just the spirit of Dad?
What has the oppression of God sired?
Isn’t it just formless postmodernism?
What has your carelessness mired?
Moses pull the curtain back
(Look at the 21st century)
Reason is God
And God is a woman
(You’re all so dead, so dead, so dead in the head)
An ethic of chaos, drunkenness, prima unities
(Apollo’s in the sky with diamonds and She’s making you crazy…)
Isn’t it just the spirit of Dad?
(All She wants to do is party with her lazy hazies…)

What has the Nietzsche’s death of God sired?
Isn’t it just formless postmodernism?
What of your libidinous pleasures?
The end of the world
Britney was right
The end of the world

What does all drunkenness sire?
(Apollo’s in the sky with diamonds and She’s making you crazy…)
What of your libidinous dangers?
(All V wants to do is party with her lazy hazies…)
Woah, oh oh
Woes, oh oh yeah
The century’s over, humanity’s end

Is God still dead? Violence, violence everywhere
Is God still dead? “Vindication’s in the air,” you said?
Woah, oh oh
Woes, oh oh yeah
Don’t blame this sleeping satellite
Don’t blame this sleeping satellite

(V is in the sky with diamonds and She’s making you crazy…)

(All She wants to do is party with her lazy hazies…)